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Anonymous hackea página del Club Bilderberg

“Miembros de Bilderberg: a partir de ahora cada uno tiene un año para trabajar a favor de la gente y no en aras de sus intereses privados”, escribieron



Regeneración, 31 de diciembre de 2016.- Supuestos piratas electrónicos de los grupos HackBack movement y Anonymous hackearon el pasado viernes la página web del club Bilderberg, un foro secreto compuesto por 130 personas de entre las más influyentes en el mundo, que se reúnen cada año sin dar ningún acceso a la prensa. Los hackers, además, dieron un ultimátum al club; le dan un año a sus miembros para reivindicarse:

“Queridos miembros de Bilderberg: a partir de ahora cada uno de ustedes tiene un año (365 días) para trabajar verdaderamente  a favor de la gente y no en aras de sus intereses privados”, escribieron.

“Cada tema del que hablen o el trabajo que cumplan por medio de sus reuniones más que privadas tendrán que beneficiar a partir de ahora a la población mundial y no a un grupo Y o X de la gente. De lo contrario, vamos a encontrarlos y a hackearlos”, amenazan.

“Vamos a vigilarlos, porque a partir de ahora tienen que trabajar para nosotros, para la humanidad y para la gente”, sentencian los hackers, y agregan que obtuvieron acceso a “sus coches de lujo y dispositivos de seguridad de sus casas conectadas”, así como de “las computadoras portátiles de sus hijas y los móviles de sus esposas”.

“Grabamos sus reuniones secretas, leemos sus correos electrónicos, controlamos los relojes inteligentes de sus chicas escort favoritas, estamos dentro de sus queridos bancos y estamos leyendo sus activos. Ustedes no van a estar seguros en ningún lugar donde haya electricidad”, afirman.

El mensaje, redactado en inglés, con arte Ascci (gráficos creados con texto), una leve jerga ‘l33t’ (lenguaje usado por los hackers desde hace algunos años), y un mensaje con algunas de las letras en mayúsculas sin una razón evidente se reproduce a continuación, en caso de que la página de Bilderberg sea restablecida:


   /  /  _   __      _   _  __   
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0x? HackBack movement
AnD AnonyMous

===============[ present ]================

=== Message to the People ===
SInCe the Advent of Time, huMans have long forgotten to love and CaRe for eaCh other.
In TheiR egoist, selfish driven minds, a coUpLe of people have managed to get the Power and abuse it against the weakz.
HiStorY is repEating Itself.
TheRe is no EqualiTy between humans on world scale and So called HumAN Rights ArE nothiNg more than an Illusion.
The Globalization and World order system is faVorinG this unbearable situation, at least it IS for huMans-caRers.
whatS going On today: weak PeoPles suffer, die or livE in poVerty to serve upper interestS.
EmPoweRed ElitE plays the world BIG Guys.
This World order is conduCted by grouPs which are composed of WeALthy 1% uber-Elite and CorrUpted empowered Politicians.
DoNt follOw theIr proPagaNda sayIng this situation Is not TruE or Paranoia-driven.
post cold-war LiberaL capitalism has managed tO wideSpreAd *IDEA* that $$$ equals hapiness and should be a lifegoal for the 99%. An egoist goal.
ThIs system also sEttleD durably dOminance of ThesE groups.
they told Us “yOu GoT To worK hard!” TheY don’t. Inheriting powerS from their Parents and these groups of “FriEnds”.
ThEre Is no suCces sTories sorry: would TOp100 richEst persons alive still been riCh if thEy were born in Africa from poor pArents, No.
ThEse whole grouPs and iNterests are driVen by tHe evil idea that some HuMans (them) are superiorS to others (you).
ThE CurRent sysTem will keep them in place, in good positions and for a good amoUnT of Time.
YOuR CHildrEN stand NO CHANCE aGainst theirs. whatEver schools you put theM in.

NoW() is the time you need to think
NoW() is the time we nEed to put an end to this altogether
As you mAy havE guessEd thIs fight is INequal
PoWeR is in the hand of ThesE groupS
But not All hope is lost
We, the free people, wiLl fIght for You without even asking
But we need mOre than this: we beg you supPort
WiThoUt you, the public, We cAnT do nothing
LiSten to yoUr heart, see the situation and do what you shoUld
YoU *CAN* makE the world a better place

=== Message to the WealthY Elitico-Political 1% RIChEst dominant pricks ===
WoRDs are not enOugh To TeLl you how much we dispiTe you and your dominant behAvior
No HumAns stanD above otheRs and you WIll have to learn IT
Dear Bilderberg mEmBers, From NoW(), each OnE of you have 1 year (365 days) to truly work in faVor of HumaNs and not youR private interests
Each TopIc you disCuss or work you achieve thRough YoUr uber privAte meetinGs should from now benefit WORlD population and not X or Y groUp of people
OtHerWIse, we will FinD you and we Will hAck you
MiNd the cuRrent situation: We conTrol your expensive connected cars, we control your connecteD house security devices, we control your daughter laptop, we control your wife’s mobile,
we tape YoUR seCret meetings, we reAD your emaiLs, we control your faVoriTe eScort girl smartWatch, we ARe inside your beLoved banks and we Are reading YoUr assets
You wont be safe anywhere near electricty anyMore
We WiLL watch yOu, from NoW on you got to WoRk for Us, Humanity, the People

====================== [ greets ]=========================

CheErs to PhineAs Fisher, you Re one of the GreatEst hUmaN alive

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