President Andrés Manuel López Obrador welcomed the renewal of Morena’s National Executive Committee and said he was very pleased with those elected to the party’s top leadership, with Luisa María Alcalde as president, Carolina Rangel as the new general secretary, and Andrés López Beltrán as Secretary of Organization. In this context, he reiterated his resignation from the party as he will be withdrawing from public activity when his term ends.

Following the attack he was the victim of yesterday in Veracruz, when an employee of the judicial branch threw a bottle of water at him, the Mexican President said that there will be no action taken against the aggressor but asked for respect towards those who participate in the country’s transformation. “Let’s act with respect, with tolerance,” he said.

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In response to the criticisms made by opponents of the national project, such as the recent statements made by former President Ernesto Zedillo against the Judicial Reform, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said, with a doses of irony, that “Salinas is the only one left to join the pack, but he will not give them the time of day […] What Zedillo is doing is confronting those who are promoting this transformation, even though he has no moral authority. However, they are fulfilling his role.”

The President said that the Supreme Court (SCJN) should declare itself unable to rule on the two cases related to tax evasion committed by business magnate Ricardo Salinas Pliego given that both have already passed through the courts. “It is not within the SCJN’s jurisdiction because the cases do not involve issues of constitutionality,” he explained.

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