President Andrés Manuel López Obrador warned that opposition groups are plotting to nullify the elections, with the help of the judicial branch. However, the President said that he will guarantee that the country will develop in a climate of justice, legality, and democracy.

The Chief Executive estimated that by the end of his administration, homicides will have decreased by 25%, given that the downward trend in this crime continues. With regard to 2018, when the current administration took office, homicides are down 23%.

President López Obrador reiterated that the IMSS Bienestar well-being program will be consolidated before the end of his presidency. It will provide free medical services and pharmaceuticals to those without social security, and will also standardize payroll policies on the federal level and codify the employment status of thousands of workers. The President charged that corruption has prevented nine states from joining IMSS Bienestar.

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In 2024, IMSS and IMSS Bienestar carried out the largest hiring campaign in history, enrolling 11,906 specialized medical personnel. This has allowed for overfilling staff positions in some states, such as Tlaxcala, Colima, Hidalgo, Nayarit, Mexico City, Baja California Sur and Sonora, where not only 100% of medical positions have been filled, but the figure now stands at 107% to 273%.

Minister of Foreign Relations Alicia Bárcena, on behalf of Mexico, is working with the international community to stabilize the situation prevailing in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, a city plunged into violent chaos at the hands of gangs demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Ariel Henry.

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