President Andrés Manuel López Obrador denounced the arrogant and authoritarian attitude of the media that defame him and try to silence him, such as the Youtube platform that eliminated the morning press conference of February 22 in which the president responded to a letter that questioned him about alleged ties to drug trafficking. He said that he will always face slander with decisiveness and composure. «I prefer to leave my children in poverty than dishonor,» he stated.

The Energy Reform proposed by President López Obrador seeks to classify the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) as a strategic industry of the State in order to:

-Preserve energy security and self-sufficiency.

-Guarantee that electricity prices do not increase.

-Avoid profiteering and ensure energy sovereignty. Private companies cannot prevail over the CFE.

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-Offer public Internet service to the population that, for economic reasons, does not have access to this key instrument for education, culture, economic activity, and information.

-Ensure that the electricity and public internet services offered by the CFE do not constitute monopolies.

The Mexican government already has 2,750 branches of the Banco de Bienestar in operation, for which almost 15.30 billion pesos (US$893 million) were invested and 90,750 direct jobs created. The purpose of these branches is for payments for pensions, financial assistance, and scholarships directly reach the 27 million beneficiaries of the Well-Being programs without intermediaries.

Minister of Foreign Relations Alicia Bárcena indicated that a Mexican Human Mobility Strategy has been developed to attend to Mexicans abroad and migrants in Mexico, given that it a country of origin, transit, destination, and return. This strategy seeks to:

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-Address migration with a regional outlook, dealing with the root causes of the phenomenon.

-Prioritize Mexican communities abroad to seek their regularization through diplomatic dialogue and the expansion of regular channels for mobility.

Mexicans in the U.S. send US$63.3 billion in remittances to Mexico. However, they spend US$265 billion in the U.S. plus what they pay in taxes.