Who’s who in prices?

Iván Escalante, head of the Federal Consumer Prosecutor’s Office, reported that the basic food basket is being monitored in 1,800 establishments and that, on average, it costs 1,039 pesos (US$52.20). Regular gasoline costs 23.90 pesos (US$1.20) a liter and gasoline, 25.27 pesos (US$1.26). For LP gas, the average price for stationary supply is 10.41 pesos (US$0.52) and for cylinder is 19.28 pesos (US0.96).

The Don’t be Fooled campaign was presented, so that establishments denounce persons posing as government inspectors.

 Food Sovereignty

Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Julio Berdegué said there are programs such as Sembrando Vida, Producción para el Bienestar, Fertilizantes para el Bienestar in place, and indicated that there will be new programs to support small and medium sustainable agriculture. This is in addition to the Plan Campeche, which aims to increase rice and milk production in the state of Campeche.

María Luisa Albores, General Director of the Diconsa and Segalmex state-run food supply companies, presented the Food for Wellbeing program, which guarantees access to products at fair prices and promotes community self-sufficiency.

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The Liconsa stores will change their name to Tiendas de Bienestar, and will return to the goal of providing low-cost products, prioritizing small producers.

The Judicial Reform will be an example

President Claudia Sheinbaum criticized the media focus on her allegedly being in contempt of court and not on convicted and sentenced drug trafficker García Luna, while the Supreme Court justices are at Harvard questioning justice in Mexico. She said that the Judicial Reform will be an example, with the people electing judges, justices, and magistrates and defended this decision. In addition, she suggested that Harvard investigate corruption in the Mexican judiciary, emphasizing that the country will be implementing a system similar to that of the United States.

On the depreciation of the peso

The Mexican President affirmed that the recent depreciation of the peso to 20 to the US$ is not related to factors in the Mexican economy. She explained that can be attributed to international factors, such as the changes in Japan’s rates and statements made by a U.S. presidential candidate. Sheinbaum said the trade agreement is not at risk and that economic integration continues.

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Presentation of candidacies for judges will be next week

The President announced that next week, before October 31, she will present her five choices for candidates for judges as part of the Judicial Reform. On October 12, the Senate held a ‘judicial lottery’ which defined the first group of judges and magistrates to be elected by popular vote. The Senate will issue a call for the registration of aspirants for the 2025 and 2027 elections, in which 850 judicial posts will be up for a vote, including 464 circuit magistrates and 386 district judges, on June 1, 2025.