Summary – Morning Presidential Press Conference – Monday, September 25, 2023

President Lopez Obrador said that government is promoting the development of southeast Mexico, az region that has been posting 6% annual economic growth. The construction industry, linked to public investment, is the sector that has generated the most jobs. In 2023 investment reached 1 billion pesos (US$57.54 million) and the Mayan Train alone has created more than 100,000 jobs.

President López Obrador said that in Chiapas there is a dispute for territory between two criminal groups. He indicated that overall, drug trafficking does not dominate the state. The President reported that actions are already being undertaken to address the situation and the presence of the National Guard is being beefed up.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador commented that work is underway on conducting a new census of missing persons, and a first advance with figures from Mexico City will be released. Government field workers and other officials will be conducting visits, house by house, to produce the registry.

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President López Obrador reported that he will hold a meeting with his cabinet to discuss the migratory crisis. He acknowledged the openness of the U.S. government to proposals to allow the legal entry of migrants. At the same time, he indicated that the causes of migration in the places of origin must be addressed. He said that in his next visit to Washington he will raise with President Joe Biden the need to fight poverty in the Western Hemisphere.

General Óscar Lozano Águila reported that in section 1 of the Mayan Train, the Palenque station is already completed, Palenque Boulevard is 98% complete, Escárcega is 98% complete, and El Triunfo is 56% complete. The project will be finished on schedule, he said.

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