President Andrés Manuel López Obrador called on the two U.S. presidential candidates, Donald Trump and Joe Biden, to sign a commitment to regulate the sale of weapons in their country, as it would address the underlying problem and Mexico would also benefit in seeing a reduction in the illegal trafficking of weapons that fall into the hands of organized crime. “It would be a measure well viewed by Americans. It would be an act of good faith, in search of unity and peace. A first step,” he stressed.

The President reiterated that the U.S. Government will return $246 million dollars to Mexico. These funds had been confiscated from the treasurer of Coahuila during Humberto Moreira’s governorship. This money will be given to the Institute to Give What was Stolen Back to the People, and the latter will use the funds to reward athletes attending the Olympic Games and the Pan-American Games.

LEER MÁS:  AMLO informa calendario de pensiones y apoyos de Bienestar

President López Obrador made it clear that the Mexican Government was not involved in the early release in the United States of former Tamaulipas Governor Tomás Yarrington.

The head of the Federal Commission for the Protection Against Health Risks (Cofepris), Alejandro Svarch, exposed a corruption network that tried to establish an artificial monopoly in the testing of medicines, particularly generic pharmaceuticals. This mechanism sought to close the doors to many to benefit a few, as they delayed requests from competitors, while the company that benefited received customized authorizations. The Cofepris denounced this situation and implemented regulatory measures.

LEER MÁS:  “Me voy con la conciencia tranquila”: AMLO da su último informe de gobierno

The IMSS Bienestar program has 515 second-level hospitals and 50 third-level hospitals, in which health-care is guaranteed with specialized medical personnel. In 2024, 19,057 health-care workers are projected to have their employment status regularized.

The La Clínica es Nuestra program is 98.6% completed in terms of the delivery of funds to improve the infrastructure of 11,808 health centers located in 27 states.