Some facts you did not know about the Mexican economy

Here are some facts you did not know about the AMLO administration  

A new economic plan called Moral Economy is being implemented in Mexico. Through this new economic plan the well-being of the families is guaranteed by supporting the lower classes; the people is being rescued and not the millionaire.

Together with the large projects and the frontal fight against corruption, the economic indicators show signs of economic take-off:

  • The Mexican government has not increased fuel prices.
  • In March, the peso (local currency) depreciated almost 25 pesos per dollar, today it stands at 21.97 per dollar.
  • In the midst of the pandemic, nearly a million jobs were lost. Today, more than 455 thousand workers have registered again.
  • The Mexican oil blend now sells for $ 30-41 a barrel.
  • 481,400 thousand young people are employed due to the “Youth Building the Future” program.
  • Tax collection was maintained, today we are collecting a total of 2 trillions 245 millions pesos (around 102 billions dolars)
  • The government has granted almost 4 million long-term, low-interest loans; a total of 307 billion pesos.
  • Remittances have increased by almost 3,400 million dollars, this means an increase of more than 10%.
  • Domestic consumption is almost 94 billion pesos; an increase of 8.3% compared to July of last year.
  • Pensions for the elderly have been paid in advance to 8 million people and the same has been done for 744 thousand girls and boys with disabilities in an impressive amount of 46 billion pesos.
  • The “Sembrando Vida” reforestation program has planted almost 500 thousand new hectares; more than 409 thousand farmer workersday received a salary to work their own land.
  • More than 23 million Mexican families have at least one wellness program.
  • Banco de México has increased its international reserves by 192, 654 million dollars.
  • Mexico is proud to be one of the few nations without incurring new public debt.
  • Projects such as the new Felipe Ángeles Airport, the Mayan Train, the Dos Bocas Refinery, the Lago de Texcoco Ecological Park and the interoceanic plan -connection of the Pacific Sea with the Atlantic through ports, trains and highways- all create together thousands of new jobs a day and foreign direct investment.
  • Mexico is becoming more self-sufficient every day in foods such as milk, corn, beans and wheat.

This and much more is happening in Mexico.