Summary – Morning Presidential Press Conference – Wednesday, August 30, 2023

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador regretted the steps backward in the Judicial Branch with the selection of Norma Piña as Supreme Court (SCJN) Chief Justice, because previously, with Justice Arturo Zaldívar a transformation was being promoted. However, now the justices have complete liberty to do whatever they want, such as freeing or protecting criminals. «They are beginning to further degrade the Judiciary,» the President explained.

President López Obrador reported that the Mexican government will support its citizens affected by Hurricane Idalia, which struck Florida. If necessary, he announced, the Navy Plan and the Ministry of National Defense (SEDENA) Plan DN III will be made available for relief efforts.

The head of the Executive Branch reiterated the importance of not allowing manipulation so that there are no technical or media coups. Therefore, he called for exposing the media that do not inform and are not objective, but rather defend partisan interests, with their only goal being to obtain resources that belong to the people.

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President López Obrador reaffirmed that there has been no increase in electricity rates. In relation to the cost of electricity in Sonora, the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) will announce tomorrow if it can extend the subsidy to protect the household economy in view of the high temperatures that has been registered.

In the section Who’s Who in Lies, it was reported that

-Authorities denied the La Silla Rota’s report on the federal’s government alleged preference to produce 4T spots at Estudios Churubusco Azteca S.A. The investment in Estudios  went from 893 million pesos (US$53.51 million) during the first three years of Enrique Peña Nieto’s government to 127 million pesos (US$7.58 million) during López Obrador’s administration.

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-It is untrue that the head of the Executive Branch called for investing in Oil Profit, as reported in altered audio recordings circulating in the social networks.

-University of Guadalajara Rector Ricardo Villanueva rejected fake news accounts concerning the free textbooks. They do not promote communism and they do not contain images spreading gender ideology.