President Andrés Manuel López Obrador described as crude the interventionist attitude of the US government against the judicial reform, expressed through Ambassador Ken Salazar, who declared that the proposal to elect judges and justices is risky and could affect the commercial relationship between the two countries. “We do not accept interference, (…) no representative of foreign governments should intervene in matters that only correspond to Mexicans to resolve, to settle,” he stated.  President López Obrador ruled out that the relationship with the United States would be affected.

Mexico sent a diplomatic note to Washington to express its surprise over the interference in its internal affairs that involve the country’s national sovereignty, following declarations by U.S. Ambassador to Mexico, Ken Salazar, concerning the Judicial Reform.

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The President said that judicial system employees who are on strike in opposition to the Judicial Reform, have the right to demonstrate. However, he asked them not to ignore the people of Mexico who have expressed their support for the reform at the ballot box.

President López Obrador reported that the Ministry of National Defense’s Plan DN-III and Plan Marina were activated to attend to the areas affected by the flooding in Chalco, State of Mexico.

After the Venezuelan Supreme Court declared yesterday that Nicolás Maduro was the winner of the presidential elections, Lopez Obrador indicated that he will wait for the minutes to be released before congratulating the president. “We are respectful of the decisions made in other countries,” he said.

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