President Andrés Manuel López Obrador criticized the Business Coordinating Council for calling for the Constitution to be violated in order to prevent Morena and its allies from having a 2/3 majority with the allocation of proportional representation seats. He charged that the real intention behind the opposition to the constitutionally authorized distribution of such seats is to prevent the approval of the Judicial Reform in order to continue with rampant corruption in the courts by having judges and justices at their service. “It is a completely immoral (attitude). [They want] to have a judicial branch that is at the service of a rapacious minority and not at the service of the people,” he explained.

The President said that the judicial branch employees who initiated an indefinite work stoppage to express their rejection of the Judicial Reform, are within their rights to do so. However, he reiterated that the proposal does not affect their labor rights and what it seeks to do is to eradicate the corruption that allows for the unjustified release of criminals.

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President López Obrador made public the letter he sent to his US counterpart Joe Biden to express his disagreement with Washington’s financing of Claudio X. González’s opposition organization, Mexicans Against Corruption and Impunity. The text criticizes the U.S. government for its interventionist stance in granting funds to an organization whose purpose is to attack the Mexican federal government, and calls for ending such financing.

With a regional music and dance show, the Mexican Government paid tribute to Mexican nationals living in the United States who have always shown their solidarity, especially in the most difficult moments of the pandemic. “We are very grateful,” the President said, emphasizing that in 2024 the country will receive US$65 billion in remittances.

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