People’s Mañanera
Monday, October 21, 2024

The president lamented the murder of Father Marcelo Perez in Chiapas and pledged that this crime will not go unpunished.

Progress of the new well-being programs:

  • Ariadna Montiel, Minister of Well-Being reported that more than 700,000 women have registered for the Pension/Stipend for Women between 60 and 64 years of age.
  • In the House-to-House Health-Care (Salud Casa por Casa) program, over half a million senior citizens and 66,000 people with disabilities have registered.
  • From today until November 15, registration begins for health-care professionals to be employed in the House to House Health-Care program.
  • Minister of Public Education Mario Delgado reported that 7,000 assemblies have been held in the same number of high schools to inform students about the Rita Cetina Scholarship program. He said the financial support will be 1,900 pesos (US$84.86) per family, plus 700 pesos (US$34.95) per extra child. Healthy life in schools
    The agreement establishing the guidelines for the elaboration, distribution, and sale of prepared food and beverages was published. The agreement will enter into effect on March 29, 2025 and will be mandatory for all schools. It will:
  • Prohibit the sale of ultra-processed foods with low nutritional value in schools. No product containing nutritional warning labels will be sold inside schools.
  • Promote the consumption of natural water in schools and encourage the installation of drinking fountains through the School is Ours program.
  • Train those responsible for school cooperatives.
  • Prepare a communication strategy.
  • Strengthen the #VidaSaludable (Healthy Life) in the New Mexican School campaign.
  • Create courses for teachers.
  • Promote sports activity and practice. Judicial branch excesses
    Minister of the Interior Rosa Icela Rodriguez pointed out that the courts have granted several injunctions against laws and government decisions, including 161 against the Electric Industry Law and 717 against the elimination of judicial branch trusts. She accused the judicial branch of interfering in electoral issues, mentioning specific cases of controversial court rulings. Rodriguez also denounced corruption in the selection of judges, such as the sale of exams and the lack of transparency in competitive examinations, favoring candidates close to judges and magistrates.

Nepotism and corruption in the Judicial Branch

The Minister of the Interior charged that a high percentage of magistrates (85.4%) and judges (67%) have relatives working in the judicial branch, with an average of 4.7 relatives per magistrate. In addition, she reported that since 2003, some 38,000 complaints were filed against judges and magistrates, but 86% were dismissed without any investigation, and only 472 of those accused were sanctioned. Rodríguez also criticized the judges’ high salaries, which exceed those of the President, and mentioned the lack of action in response to the complaints filed by the President. She reported that during the judicial branch strike thousands of hearings were cancelled and there were delays in resolving appeals.

On the attempts to spread misinformation about the Judicial Reform
Veracruz District Court Judge Nancy Júarez Suarez was sanctioned as a result of several investigations that revealed negative behaviors such as poor performance, nepotism, labor harassment, and lack of respect for workers’ rights. Previously, in 2022 she was subject to disciplinary proceedings for labor harassment and in 2016 for irregular ratification of medical leaves. She has also received verbal reprimands for other offenses.

The Minister of the Interior and President Claudia Sheinbaum reiterated that there are constitutional principles, such as those embodied in Article 39, which establishes that sovereignty resides in the people, and Article 135, which allows for amending the Constitution with the approval of Congress and the states. Sheinbaum highlighted Morena’s electoral success and explained that the allocation of proportional representation seats in the Chamber of Deputies was legal. She also recalled that the Judicial Reform was approved by a vast majority in Congress and in the states, but regretted that, despite the reform having complied with the legal procedures, opposition parties have filed constitutional challenges, although, according to the President, they lack the legal grounds to do so.

Secretaría de Comunicación, Difusión y Propaganda CEN Morena