President Andrés Manuel López Obrador reiterated that there is no financial ceiling for the post-Hurricane Otis reconstruction of Acapulco and Coyuca de Benítez. «We are not going to limit ourselves in budget; there is enough money […] You are not alone, we will continue to support you; a new stage is coming,» The President said.

According to the census of the victims of Hurricane Otis in Guerrero, 274,502 homes and 47,627 commercial premises have been affected, for which 322,129 aid packages will be delivered. From November 29 to December 7, 8,000 pesos (US$465) will be delivered for clean-up and from December 8 to 31, housing and local support assistance will be distributed, ranging from 35,000 to 60,000 pesos ($US$2,038 to $US$3,493). In addition, weekly food parcels will be delivered to the affected families for 3 months.

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Guerrero Governor Evelyn Salgado reported that the death toll from Hurricane Otis has risen to 50, while the search continues for 30 people reported missing. She also announced that 211,385 tons of garbage have been collected and more than 322.25 linear kilometers of streets and avenues have been cleared of debris The Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) has reestablished 100% of the electric power supply.

The emergency response in Guerrero relies on nearly 25,000 members of the National Guard and the ministries of National Defensa (Sedena) and the Navy, who are supporting Plan DN-III-E and Plan Marina, as well as being engaged in security and traffic control tasks. Some 11,836 packages of household goods have been delivered and more than one million basic food baskets and food parcels. In addition, over 1.70 million hot meals have been served and more than 4 million liters of water have been distributed.

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The President announced that on Sunday, November 26, a Teleton Mexico Rehabilitation Center will be inaugurated in Tlapa, Guerrero. A hospital is being built in the same town, financed with funds obtained from the sale of the presidential airplane.

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