President Andrés Manuel López Obrador welcomed the Chamber of Deputies’ approval of the Pension Reform, as it corrects the negative effects of the neoliberal period on the income of workers who were retiring from their jobs. The new reform, with its Pension Fund for Well-Being, will benefit 28 million workers.

The head of the Executive Branch warned that there is a risk that the Pension Reform will be declared unconstitutional because the Supreme Court (SCJN) is at the service of the privileged few. “There is no basis for declaring the law unconstitutional, only the obsession of some Supreme Court justices against what we represent,” the President said.

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The Mexican Government is providing protection to 360 candidates for elected office. If they require more security, they will be supported, President López Obrador declared.

President López Obrador pointed out that the purpose of the Amnesty Law is to reward individuals who are detained and provide information on priority cases for the State, such as the disappearance of the 43 Ayotzinapa students. In this context, he confirmed that on June 3 he will meet with the parents of the 43 teacher training college students.

The Clinic is Ours program is being applied in 11,974 health-care centers for the improvement of infrastructure and equipment of first-level medical care. As of April 19, progress in organizing assemblies to identify the needs of each clinic is at the 98.1% mark.

LEER MÁS:  Conservadores contra mayoría Morena e impedir Reforma Judicial: AMLO

Today is the deadline to register for the Call for Medical Specialists. 4,010 vacancies are to be filled. 2,706 medical specialists have registered. The Call is available at