Looking ahead to the June 2 national elections, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador expressed his confidence that everyone will participate on election day, that all citizens will go to vote, and that together they will guarantee clean and free elections. “Let threats, vote buying, and electoral fraud be confined to the dustbin of history,” he said.

President López Obrador called on the population to continue denouncing everything related to real estate corruption, because he said that it is not an issue present only in the Benito Juárez borough in Mexico City, but in the whole country.

The Mexican government has recovered 90 hospitals that were in disrepair, closed, or lacking equipment. Most of them have been recovered through the IMSS Bienestar program, such as the Hospital de la Mujer y el Niño Oaxaqueño, in which construction began in 2009 and was abandoned for 10 years. However, the government also intervened in non-federalized hospitals, such as the Hospital de Ciudad Juarez, which was to be built between 2014 and 2016, but was never completed. Now, thanks to the intervention of the federal government, it will be put into operation in August.

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The Ministry of Health launched an intensive informational campaign to reduce the risk of heat wave ailments. It also has an active monitoring system in place to deal with serious cases of dehydration.

President López Obrador reported that he signed an agreement with Belize for Mexico to sell the country electric energy. He also emphasized that despite the high temperatures that have been registered in the past few days, the Federal Electricity Commission has maintained the supply without complications.