President López Obrador criticized the opposition’s request for the electoral authorities to cancel the morning press conferences. What are thinking in silencing us, and where does that leave freedoms? […] We are adversaries, not enemies,” the President said. He recalled that the Federal Electoral Tribunal (TEPJF) ruled that it is not possible to cancel the morning press conferences because it would be an attack on the Constitution and freedom.

After showing a video with testimonies of personnel from the Mexican Embassy in Quito, President López Obrador paid tribute to the diplomatic staff who defended the country in the Ecuadoran authorities raid on the embassy. In addition, he explained that the complaint to be filed against the Ecuadorian government before the International Court of Justice is so that in the future no one will dare commit a similar outrage. “It is not only Mexico, it is the world order, the respect for international norms” that are at stake, he explained.

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The head of the Executive Branch said that protection will be provided to the TEPJF judges, after they asked to be considered in the protection measures provided during the electoral process. Their request was in response to the killing of an TEPJF employee. So far, 200 candidates have requested protection, and 186 now receive it, 11 requests were declined, and 3 are under consideration.

President López Obrador reported that David N, the Guerrero police officer who killing the teacher college training student Yanqui Kothan, has been arrested. He was captured on a ranch in Tixtla; three firearms were seized from him.

The following items were discussed in the Who’s Who is Lies segment:

-Opposition opinion leaders’ lies were exposed. Joaquín López-Dóriga rejected the idea that the federal government’s public policies are the reason for the peso’s stability and Leo Zuckermann claimed that the dollar could reach 27 pesos during López Obrador’s administration.

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PRI and PAN politicians, as well as journalists, who justified the Ecuadorian police invasion of the Mexican embassy in Quito, were denounced.

-The social media campaign to discredit the children of President López Obrador was exposed. On Facebook, spending on publicity advertisements, between January and April, reached half a million pesos (US$30,280). 65.3% of the content was paid for by Carlos Loret de Mola’s media outlet, Latinus.

-Between January 31 and April 7, the #NarcoPresidnte campaign has produced more than 26.32 million attacks. Only 1.7% of posts are original, the rest are generated by bots.