President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced the General Plan for Reconstruction and Assistance for the Affected Population in Acapulco and Coyuca de Benítez, with an investment of over 61 billion pesos (US$3.39 billion). The plan includes, among other actions, support for households with deceased family members and a two-month advanced payment of federal government wellbeing programs.

10,000 young people will join Jóvenes Construyendo el Futuro (Youth Building the Future) program engaging in clean-up and construction work. The number of scholarships for program participants at the basic level will be increased to 90,000.

There will be a six-month extension for fee payments to the Social Security system and the Infonavit and Fovissste housing funds. Electric bills will not be paid from November to February 2024. In addition, a weekly basic food basket will be delivered to 250,000 families; 3 million baskets are expected to be distributed over the next 3 months.

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Affected homes will receive between 35,000 and 60,000 pesos (US$1,950 to US$3,342) for reconstruction along with packages of household appliance, based on the census that is being carried out. Thus far, 50,000 homes have been visited. A total of 20,000 loans of 25,000 pesos each (US$1,392) to be paid over three years will be granted to small businesses.

The Federal government will allocate 10 billion pesos (US$550 million) from this year’s public budget for the supply and improvement of water, drainage, street repairs, public lighting, hospitals, and schools. No taxes will be collected in Acapulco or Coyuca until February 2024.

National Guard barracks with 250 guardsmen will be established in each neighborhood with more than 1,000 homes to guarantee peace and tranquility.

The Nacional Financiera development bank will grant interest-free loans for small and medium size businesses. The Ministry of Finance (SHCP) will assist 377 hotels in Acapulco with the payment of half of the interest for those who request credits to rehabilitate their facilities. The Ministry of Communications and Transport (SICT) will allocate 218 million pesos (US$12.14 million) to rehabilitate the Acapulco-Chilpancingo highway and various roads.

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President López Obrador acknowledged the efforts of Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) workers and directors for reestablishing electric power in one week. He also highlighted the work of 19 Navy, Ministry of National Defense (Sedena), and National Guard personnel, who immediately applied their plans to help the population.