President Andrés Manuel López Obrador reiterated that on Friday, December 1, the Felipe Carrillo Puerto Airport will be inaugurated in Tulum, Quintana Roo. At the end of the ceremony, the President will deliver a message to commemorate the fifth anniversary of his administration taking office.

Today, November 29, the delivery of financial resources for the victims of Hurricane Otis in Acapulco will begin. 8,000 pesos (US$465) per family will be distributed for the cleaning of homes that were not badly affected. The delivery of funds for reconstruction begins on December 8.

President López Obrador reported that the Treasury posted higher tax collection revenue due to taxpayers’ trust in his government and that authorities are no longer condoning tax payments. As of November 28, tax revenue reached almost 4.04 trillion pesos (US$234 billion), a more than 10% increase over the same period of 2022.

LEER MÁS:  Homicidio doloso con tendencia sostenida a la baja: Seguridad

The President regretted the armed aggression directed against four journalists in Guerrero. He also reported that the six journalists kidnapped in Taxco have already been rescued.

On December 19, the National Lottery will raffle goods confiscated by the Institute to Return to what was Stolen to the People. The cost of the lottery ticket is 100 pesos (US$5.81) and the funds obtained will be earmarked for those who most need it.

In the section Who’s Who in Lies it was reported that:

LEER MÁS:  De AMLO a la fecha, repatriados 14 mil bienes culturales de México

-The Super Pharmacy will be ready by December 2023. It will supply medicines to health centers and hospitals throughout the country, within a maximum period of 24 hours. It does not mean centralization of pharmaceuticals.