Progress in the Judicial Reform

Coordinator of Politics and Government, Arturo Zaldívar, reported that the evaluation committee of the executive branch has verified 84% (15,533 cases) of eligibility requirements for the election of judges, justices, and magistrates. Of the files evaluated, 8,626 applicants have been qualified as eligible to run in the judicial branch elections.

Legal counselor of the federal executive branch Ernestina Godoy highlighted that the state congresses are making progress in bringing their local constitutions in line with the Judicial Reform.

President Claudia Sheinbaum said that by December 15 at the latest, compliance with the eligibility requirements of all registered applicants will be verified. On that day, the final list of candidates will be published.

Financing and transparency in the judicial election

Sheinbaum affirmed that, in accordance with the Constitution, there will be no public resources to finance the campaigns of candidates for judges, justices, magistrates in the 2025 election. However, spaces in public media will be available for candidates.

She also denied accusations of threats against judges by the government and stressed the importance of transparency in the judicial branch. Sheinbaum added that the use of the amparo law, a type of writ of injunction, to free criminals, including members of organized crime, should not be allowed.

In response to criticisms by Supreme Court (SCJN) Chief Justice Norma Piña regarding the supposed elimination of the professional judicial career category, Sheinbaum questioned its real existence. “What judicial career? If 50% of those who work in the judicial branch are family members.” She affirmed that the reform seeks to eradicate corruption.

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Sheinbaum criticizes the Judiciary and defends the transformation.

The President rejected the accusations Supreme Court Chief Justice Norma Piña concerning alleged threats against judges. She affirmed that the judicial branch represents the system of corruption and privileges of the past, and that its transformation is necessary. She pointed out that Piña, with her report, defends the old regime and stressed that the judicial branch must be the first to comply with the Constitution, without allowing the law to be used to free criminals.

Calls for security and defense of sovereignty

During the National Public Security Council, the President urged governors to assume their responsibility in public security issues. She also reaffirmed her commitment to the defense of Mexico as a free, sovereign, and independent country, in contrast to what she described as “subordination” during Felipe Calderón’s administration. At the same time, she emphasized the need to evaluate collaboration with the US ambassador appointed by Donald Trump.

Evaluation of social support for senior citizens in the US

The government is analyzing the possibility of expanding social programs for Mexican senior citizens residing in the United States. Although their valuable contribution as “heroes and heroines” is recognized, the initiative faces budgetary limitations due to the estimated increase in funds to benefit 4 million potential beneficiaries.

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Progress in gender Equality

Sheinbaum pointed out that the word “presidenta” was officially incorporated into the Constitution, which represents a transformation in language. She indicated that when the appropriate gender terminology is not used, an orientation that minimizes women is encouraged. She also emphasized the advances in female representation, with 13 women governors currently participating in the National Governors’ Conference (CONAGO).

Lie Detector test

              – It is false that Luis Videgaray, an official in previous administrations, is advising the USMCA negotiating team.

              – It is not true that Interior Minister Rosa Icela Rodríguez has benefited companies with National Guard contracts.

              – It is not true that the Ministry of National Defense (Sedena) is combatting the presence of jaguars as harmful animals along the route of the Mayan Train.

              – It is false that the man arrested for trying to divert a flight is a member of Morena.

              – It is false that boxer Saúl “Canelo” Álvarez received a 5 million peso (US$250 million) tax write-off.