Sheinbaum signs energy reforms to reverse Peña Nieto modifications.

President Claudia Sheinbaum signed and will send to Congress the secondary laws, which further define the main legislation, of the constitutional reform in energy matters. The reform establishes the return of PEMEX and the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) as public companies.

In addition, it was established in Constitutional Article 28 that they should no longer be considered monopolies. It was explained that these reforms represent a reversal of the neoliberal policies implemented in 1992, whose goal was the elimination of public companies.

Minister of Energy Luz Elena González explained that this package of secondary laws includes six main regulations:

              1.           Energy Areas and Companies Law

              2.           Energy Planning and Transition Law

              3.           State Public Company Law – Federal Electricity Commission

              4.           Electricity Sector Law

              5.           State Public Company Law – Petróleos de México

              6.           Hydrocarbon Sector Law

The National Energy Commission was created as a decentralized body of the Ministry of Energy, with technical independence to fulfill its function as energy regulator.

With these reforms, the concept of energy justice is established for the first time, with the aim of reducing inequalities in the access and use of energy, guaranteeing resources for the priority attention of the most vulnerable sectors of the population.

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Sheinbaum highlights record economic achievements and financial stability in Mexico.

The President highlighted several indicators that demonstrate the strength of the Mexican economy, including:

              – Record high levels of Banco de México international reserves.

              – Decrease in inflation.

              – Record high employment figures at the end of 2024.

Letter to Google on international bodies of water.

Claudia Sheinbaum reported that, through the Ministry of Foreign Relations, a letter to Google is being drafted to point out the names given to international waters and explain the differences between:

              – Continental Shelf.

              – Economic zone.

              – Territorial waters.

              – Contiguous zone.

              – Exclusive economic zone.

              – International waters.

It was mentioned that any change in the name of an international body of water must be made by an international organization.

Sheinbaum addresses registration of new parties and recalls Morena’s process.

The President spoke about new political parties seeking their registration and recalled the process Morena had to follow to obtain its ballot status. She explained that, in order for a party to maintain its registration, it must participate in an election and obtain at least 3% of the vote.

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Lie detector test

              – It is false that the President agreed to designate Mexico was as a “safe third country” for effects of US immigration law.

              – It is false that the Mexican Government has closed shelters and left migrants in the street.

              – It is false that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement is offering US$750 for information on undocumented immigrants.

              – It is false that the President will authorize the installation of Russian military bases in Mexico.

              – It is false that the Mexican Government seeks to appropriate workers’ savings with the INFONAVIT housing agency reform, contrary to what PÄN president Jorge Romero affirms.[P1] 


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