With slightly more than four months to go before leaving office, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador expressed his gratitude to the people of Mexico. «The work of many has not been in vain, not only my effort and sweat has been invested, but that of many Mexicans, because there has undoubtedly been a change in the country,» he said.

The latest Buendía & Márquez poll indicates that President López Obrador’s approval rating is 70 percent nationwide.

President López Obrador reported the elimination of pre-trial detention that enabled eight military officers implicated in the case of the disappeared Ayotzinapa students to continue their trial in freedom will be challenged. He characterized the attack on the National Palace led yesterday by professors and teacher training college students, in which 26 police officers were injured, as a provocation. The President indicated that the attack was aimed at forcing his government to repress the aggressors on the eve of elections, but the policy being followed is not to succumb to any provocation.

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Minister of Security and Citizen Protection Rosa Icela Rodriguez reported that in April 2024 federal crimes had decreased 23.1% compared to the beginning of the present administration. Intentional homicides fell 20% in the same period.

Between December 1, 2018 and April 30, 2023, hydrocarbon theft has decreased 94.2%, which means a savings of over 327.49 billion pesos (US$19.44 billion). These resources have been allocated to well-being programs and public work projects that strengthen economic development.