Morning Presidential Press Conference – Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Summary of the main points in President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador’s daily press conference

According to the polling firm Mendoza y Asociados, 84% of Mexicans approve of President López Obrador’s performance in office. In this regard, the head of the Executive Branch indicated how pleased he was with the result, because despite the campaigns against his government, people continue to support the transformation project.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said that it is inexplicable, surprising, unheard of, and exceptional that José Ángel Gurría, former Minister of Finance during Ernesto Zedillo’s administration, promoter of the Fobaproa bank rescue program, is the one heading the drafting of the opposition’s national programmatic project. The President questioned whether there was no other person for the job and recalled that Gurría has enjoyed a lifetime pension of 124,000 pesos per month (US$7,270) since he was 43 years old, although he only worked for one year in Nacional Financiera.

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The President announced that he will propose the creation of a Pharmaceutical Reserve Bank, with an inventory of all the medicines available in the world, in reasonable quantities, to guarantee their supply at all times.

President López Obrador criticized the lack of media coverage of National Statistics Institute (INEGI) figures showing a decrease in inequality and poverty in Mexico. In 2022, the income of the poorest families grew 19.9%. Between July 27 and 30, the media highlighted homicides as the main issue and relegated INEGI’s figures to eighth place. 

In the section Who’s Who in Lies it was reported that:

  • The opposition publicized criticism against the government made by a fake general. Jaime García Miramontes pretended to be a military official and the opposition promoted him as real.
  • The Institute of Social Security and Services for State Employees (ISSSTE) purchased computer equipment in accordance with the law. It is false that irregularities were committed in the purchase of replacements of more than 40,000 pieces of obsolete equipment.
  • Banco del Bienestar is on schedule with its plan to open new branch offices. There are no delays. Already 2,124 branches are providing service and at the close of 2023 the number will reach 2,700.