President Andrés Manuel López Obrador expressed his solidarity with the people and government of Ecuador given the internal armed conflict the country is facing. He ruled out the possibility that Mexican nations in Ecuador would be affected by the confrontations and acts of vandalism perpetrated by organized crime.

The Mexican government concluded the emergency phase of the Hurricane Otis relief efforts in Guerrero. Efforts are now focused on the Reconstruction Plan, in which 1,364 work projects will be implemented involving a total investment of almost 8.57 billion pesos (US$503.68 million). More than 300,000 families received financial support for cleaning up and rehabilitating homes and business premises. To date, 87,668 packages of household goods (refrigerators, stoves, mattresses, dishes, fans, and blenders) have been delivered. The distribution of financial support began today for 34,609 farmers and fishermen, with an investment of 259.5 million pesos (US$15.25 million).

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The efforts of the authorities and businesspersons in Acapulco achieved a 45% reactivation of tourism in terms of hotel occupancy. The port closed the year with a hotel occupancy rate of 87%, which meant almost 74,000 visitors, who spent 578 million pesos (US$34 million).

President López Obrador rejected and denied the accusations made by the former director of the Notimex news agency, Sanjuana Martínez, who accused the Ministry of Labor (STPS) of asking for a cut of part of the severance pay settlements of the workers who were in active service. The President reiterated that public officials must adhere to the principles of not lying, not stealing, and not betraying.

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