President Andrés Manuel López Obrador declared that Acapulco will be back on its feet as soon as possible. “We know how to work, do things well and fast. We have the support of the armed forces and very responsible public servants,” he said.

With the Navy Plan, 6,500 marines have been deployed in Guerrero, 1,500 are working on security issues, along with 94 vehicles, 7 helicopters, 3 ships, 4 mobile kitchens, 5 water purification plants and 3 electric power plants. The Navy has rescued 23 people and carried out 4 medical evacuations. Since Thursday, October 26, some 3,200 meals, 31,000 liters of water, and 14,189 food parcels have been distributed. In addition, 328 medical consultations have been provided, together with 157 minor procedures, 3 surgeries, 3 cesarean sections, and one delivery.

Yesterday, 50 tons of food were received. Available for distribution are 7,800 food parcels and 39,000 liters of bottled water, with 2,993 food parcels and 29,800 liters of water on their way to Guerrero, along with 9 cubic meters of toilet paper, diapers, and sanitary napkins.

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The Ministry of Wellbeing is working on the census, house by house, to identify the population affected by Hurricane Otis. 1,678 public servants known as Servidores de la Nación have conducted a census of 20,971 homes and small businesses.

The Ministry of National Defense has distributed 34,954 food parcels and 83,572 liters of water. It has set up 2 kitchens and 5 dining halls where 14,902 rations of hot food have been provided. Today 5 kitchens will be added. Yesterday ministry personnel helped in the transfer of three newborns from Guerrero to Mexico City to receive medical attention.

The President reported that a ship with gasoline and diesel fuel arrived at the port of Acapulco early this morning, from Salina Cruz, Oaxaca. He expects the port of Acapulco to have its electricity restored so that LP gas can be supplied.

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Today, commissions from the Ministry of Finance (SHCP), Tax Administration System (SAT), and the Nacional Financiera and Banobras development banks will meet with representatives of Acapulco’s tourism and retail industry to agree on the economic reactivation of the port.