President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said that at the end of his administration there will be no unfulfilled commitments. However, he said that if there were to be any pending issues, he will leave it in writing to whoever replaces him so that they be attended to. “We will fulfill all our commitments, and if (for some reason) we are unable to do, we will inform the people with great transparency,” he said.

President López Obrador welcomed the National Electoral Institute’s decision to not suspend the morning presidential press conferences. “It is shameful that they are requesting the cancellation of a conference where the people’s right to information is being asserted. It is an act of censorship. […] In democracy, the free expression of ideas, the right to dissent, the right to reply, is freedom. Freedom cannot be cancelled,” he explained.

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The President reiterated that the reform to the Pension Law will defend workers’ assets and will improve the situation of those who are going to retire, so that they will receive more income. He clarified that money will not be taken away from other sources of workers’ income as the opposition tries to make it appear. “We are not the same as the looters of the past,” he said.

The complaint filed by Mexico against Ecuador before the International Court of Justice seeks that “the United Nations’ decision to expel any member state that violates International Law becomes part of its jurisprudence”. According to President López Obrador, this is very important to guarantee that we live in a world of laws.

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