The 2004 reforms to support agricultural production proposed by President López Obrador seek to constitutionally enshrine the programs Sembrando Vida, Producción para el Bienestar, Fertilizantes para el Bienestar, Bienpesca and prices for basic food products, thus guaranteeing:

-The right to a secure, fair, and permanent daily wage for peasant farmers who cultivate their land through planting fruit and timber trees.

-Economic support and free fertilizers for small-scale producers.

-Investment for producers of fish products.

-Guaranteed prices for the purchase and sale of corn, beans, milk, rice, and wheat flour.

President López Obrador emphasized that one of the constitutional reforms he sent to the Chamber of Deputies proposes that austerity be considered a State policy. «If this is achieved, it will be applied in all the states,” he explained.

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The President asked the U.S. government to put its agencies in order so that the institutions of other countries are respected and that there is no blatant interventionism, such as occurred recently with the published report that falsely accuses him of having received money from organized crime for the 2006 electoral campaign. He reiterated that the accusation is nothing more than slander.

The Mexican government reported that the murder of the activist in the search for the disappeared and missing persons Angelita Meraz León, who was killed on February 8 in a business located in Tecate, Baja California, is being investigated. According to President López Obrador, the alleged perpetrator has already been identified. Everything seems to indicate that the killing was not related to her activism, but no line of investigation is being ruled out.

LEER MÁS:  Sheinbaum batea ocurrencias de jueza Juárez, Reforma Judicial va