President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced that on February 5 he will present the package of reform bills on well-being programs, salaries, pensions, the judicial branch, and the electoral system, within the framework of the commemoration of the enactment of the 1917 Constitution. The commemoration this year will be held at the National Palace where the 1857 Constitution was approved.

Following the Supreme Court’s (SCJN) refusal to reduce the salary of Justice Lenia Batres, as she requested in order to comply with the Constitution, which states that no federal government public official can earn more than the president, López Obrador insisted that the justices are violating Article 127. He reiterated that «it is not right for them to set a bad example; it is the highest body in charge of the application of the Constitution.»

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On February 4, President López Obrador will inaugurate the highway from Oaxaca to Puerto Escondido.

The President congratulated the people of Guatemala for favorably resolving the transition of power that will lead to the inauguration of Bernardo Arévalo, which will take place on February 14. Minister of Foreign Relations Alicia Bárcena will represent Mexico at the inauguration of the new president.

In 2023, the Mexican president was the most watched streamer in Latin America, according to the Steams Charts ranking. He was nominated for the Esland 2024 awards, which recognize content creators in Spain, Latin America, and Andorra.

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President López Obrador ruled out any internal risk or external factor that could lead the country into a crisis. He estimated that economic growth for 2024 will be 3.5%.