President Andrés Manuel López Obrador again questioned the opposition’s request to censor the morning press conferences. «Why do they want to silence us? Never has the issue of silencing a president been considered,» he said.

The Mexican government will file a complaint today against Ecuador before the International Court of Justice for its flagrant violation of the protected status of the country’s embassy and for the physical attacks against its diplomats, which are violations of the Vienna Convention. «The aim is to prevent the repetition of a despicable act such as the one Mexico experienced […] and to guarantee the prevalence of international law,» the President explained.

The lawsuit that Mexico will present will request, among other points:

-The suspension of Ecuador as a member of the UN, until it issues a public apology recognizing the violations of the principles of international law.

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-To establish the precedent that any State or nation that acts as Ecuador did will be definitively expelled from the UN.

-To avoid a repetition of such incidents. The International Court of Justice will be able to propose the expulsion of a member state that violates international law before the UN Security Council, avoiding the use of the veto power by its members.

«The lawsuit is an example of what position we should take as a sovereign, independent country,» Minister of Foreign Relations Alicia Bárcena explained, in noting that a criminal complaint is not being ruled out.

President López Obrador reiterated that there is no protection or impunity for anyone in the case of the 43 missing Ayotzinapa students. He reiterated that the investigation into the disappearance of the young teacher training college students seeks justice. «I will not make the mistake of the past that by wanting to protect those who participated, an unjust and shameful situation was created,» he said.

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The Mexican government is developing 15 priority water projects with an investment of 93.55 billion pesos (US$5.68 billion), which will benefit 21.3 million of the country’s inhabitants.