The environmental reforms proposed by President López Obrador seek to:

-Establish the priority on personal and domestic consumption of water over any other use.

-Prohibit water concessions in areas with scarcity or drought.

-Prohibit hydraulic fracturing for hydrocarbon extraction.

-Prohibit concessions for open-pit mining activities.

-Prohibit the mistreatment of animals and guarantee their protection.

-Prohibit transgenic corn and protect corn as an element of national identity.

President López Obrador exposed Ignacio R. Morales Lechuga, former head of the Federal Attorney General’s Office (PGR), as one of the promoters of the fake news that the Federal Government intends to abolish private property.

President López Obrador reported that during his administration, 50,000 weapons that illegally entered Mexico from the United States have been seized. 70% of the weapons used by organized crime in Mexico come from the United States.

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The Mexican government is working with the National Water Commission (Conagua) and CDMX and State of Mexico authorities to alleviate the water crisis in the Valley of Mexico. They will repair wells, drill new wells to have water in the short term, invest in repairing water lines to avoid leaks, and will establish an agreement with the Hidalgo state government to increase water supply. The President accused the opposition of wanting to politicize the water issue. “Even Calderón, who is in Spain, is talking about the water shortage,” he said.

The head of the executive branch announced that there will be a new section in the morning presidential press conference entitled “Who’s Who in the Bots”, which will report on informational manipulation in social networks.

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In the Who’s Who in Lies section it was reported that:

-It is not true that businessman Marco Landucci has been detained by orders of the Mexican government.