President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said that the call to impeach Supreme Court Justice Alberto Pérez Dayan is justified, given that his decisions contravene the public interest, such as when he nullified the reform to the Electricity Industry Law that strengthened the Federal Electricity Commission.

Minister of the Interior (Segob) Luisa María Alcalde explained that the pension reform seeks to reverse the effects of the 1997 and 2007 modifications. The latter caused thousands of workers to be excluded from a pension, since the number of weeks required to have been paid into the social security system was increased from 500 to 1,250, and the amount to be received was reduced. The 2020 Labor Reform lowered the number of weeks to 750 in 2021; reduced the Retirement Fund Manager (AFORES) commission, and raised the amount of the pension from 27% to 64% of the worker’s salary.

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The 2024 Pension Reform seeks to enable retiring workers to receive 100% of their last salary and proposes to raise the base wage of employees in the health, education, and public security sectors to 16,777.68 pesos (US$983), which will, in turn, be the amount of their pension.

The Mexican government displayed its solidarity with Chile in response to the forest fires that have claimed the lives of more than 100 people. In support of the victims, more than 26 tons of food have been sent.

President López Obrador revealed his latest book Gracias! which consists of 20 chapters and 555 pages. He read the introduction, in which the President acknowledges the men and women who forged a collective will and commitment to change Mexico’s public life. «With this text addressed to young people I’m bidding adieu in advance,» he said.

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In the Who Who in Lies section, it was reported that:

-It is not true that the Barranca Larga-Ventanilla highway in Oaxaca was inaugurated while still unfinished. The road that connects the city of Oaxaca with Puerto Escondido is completely finished.

-The use of bots to promote a dirty campaign against President López Obrador was exposed. The aim of the campaign was to keep alive the fake report on alleged organized crime financing in the 2006 electoral campaign.