Energy Reform
Minister of Energy Luz Elena González presented the decree issuing the Energy Sector Secondary Laws, which definitively reverse the neoliberal energy reforms implemented in the last 30 years. She explained that Petroleos Mexicanos (PEMEX) and the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) are recovering their role as public companies and consolidating their vertical integration.
The new laws include:
* Electricity Sector Law: guarantees dominant market share for the CFE.
* Hydrocarbons Sector Law: Grants the Ministry of Energy greater planning and follow-up powers.
* Energy Planning and Transition Law: Recognizes energy justice.
* Geothermal Law: Updates the legal framework for the use of geothermal resources.
* National Energy Commission Law: Creates the National Energy Commission.
* Oil Revenue Law: Recognizes Oil Fees for Wellbeing.
* Organic Law of the Public Administration: Grants faculties for allocating hydrocarbon and natural gas permits.
Reform to the ISSSTE Law
Minister of Public Education Mario Delgado reported that the bill to reform the ISSSTE Law was withdrawn to avoid misinterpretations and misinformation concerning its content. As an alternative, it was proposed:
* To freeze the minimum retirement age at 58 for men and 56 for women.
* To implement a program to reduce, freeze, or forgive the debts of FOVISSSTE loan holders.
* To hold forums to build an alternative proposal on the hiring and promotion of teachers.
President Claudia Sheinbaum reiterated that discussions with teachers will continue and pledged that their rights will never be negatively affected.
Withdrawal of ISSSTE Reform and Benefits for Teachers
The President withdrew the bill to amend the ISSSTE Law to avoid misinformation. In exchange, she will issue a decree that will benefit workers with unpayable FOVISSSTE debts and will reactivate housing construction.
In addition, the minimum retirement age will be frozen at 58 for men and 56 for women. It was also proposed that the 2007 ISSSTE Law be eliminated and to hold forums in schools to develop a new proposal for bolstering the teaching profession.
Judicial elections
Minister of the Interior Rosa Icela Rodríguez explained the mechanism for the judicial election. Each voter will receive six ballots of different colors:
* Purple: For the election of Supreme Court justices.
* Blue: For Superior Chamber of the Federal Electoral Tribunal judges.
* Turquoise: For Judicial Disciplinary Tribunal judges.
* Orange: For judges of the regional chambers of the Federal Electoral Tribunal.
* Pink: For circuit judges.
* Yellow: For district judges.
Weapons seizures and coordination with the U.S.
The President reported on the seizure of two shipments of weapons and ammunition from the U.S. earmarked for Mexico. She noted that coordination with the U.S. is working to prevent the entry of fentanyl into that country, while Washington is collaborating to curb arms trafficking to Mexico.
Lie Detector
In the «Lie Detector» section, the following fake news were refuted:
* It is false that the Judicial Branch election will not be universal.
* It is false that the judicial election does not guarantee the free exercise of the vote.
* It is false that the National Migration Institute created a hotline to denounce U.S. citizens residing illegally in Mexico.
* It is false that President Donald Trump will impose fines for speaking Spanish in public in the United States.