100 Points – Message from President Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo – Presented in Mexico City’s Zócalo Square – October 1, 2024

  1. We will never submit to foreign interests.
  2. We will govern based on Mexican Humanism.
  3. We will be a government of people working in the field, not from behind a desk. Starting tomorrow, the morning presidential press conferences, the mañaneras, will begin again, at 7:30 a.m.
  4. We will guarantee all freedoms, freedom of the press, freedom of expression, human rights will be respected.
  5. We will respect religious and sexual diversity, no to classism, no to machismo.
  6. Foreign policy will be based on the principles of self-determination. We are a democratic and independent people. No one can ever take away the dignity of our people.
  7. Our countrymen and women are heroes of the homeland. We will always be grateful to them. The consuls will attend to our countrymen and women with dignity.
  8. The judicial reform has already been approved. In a few days, the Senate will issue the call for the election of judges, justices, and magistrates in 2025. Corruption will be eradicated. The Judiciary will be elected.
  9. We will continue searching for the missing youths from Ayotzinapa.
  10. We will promote the constitutional reform to the electoral system, which will reduce costs. In 2027 we will submit to the decision of the presidential recall referendum.
  11. Will send the constitutional reform to Congress so that there will be no reelection of elected officials as of 2030, neither mayors, nor senators, nor congressional deputies. There will be no immediate relatives in elected positions.
  12. The Ministry of Public Administration will be committed to being the Ministry against Corruption and for Good Governance. Honesty will always be the guide.
  13. Neoliberal governments will NOT return. The moral economy will be maintained.
  14. I will not live in the Los Pinos presidential residence, but in the National Palace. No official will earn more than the President.
  15. There will be austerity.
  16. Fuels prices will not be increased above the inflation rate.
  17. The largest digital paperwork procedures program in history will be created.
  18. Indigenous rights will be unanimously approved in Congress. It will be up to us to make them a reality. Cultural rights and native languages will be promoted.
  19. We will guarantee all well-being programs. These include the Universal Pension for the elderly and people with disabilities and the School is Ours and the Clinic is Ours programs.
  20. All women between the ages of 60 and 64 will receive bimonthly financial support. Enrollment begins this month.
  21. All public school students will receive stipends to study. It will begin with high school students.
  22. There will be home care for the elderly. Doctors and nurses will be hired.
  23. The Well-Being Bank will be strengthened. We will provide support to all women artisans in the country.
  24. We will support including animal rights in the Constitution.
  25. We will strengthen public education.
  26. We will continue the New Mexican School.
  27. The national teaching profession will continue to be recognized. The Teaching Career System Department (Usicam) will be eliminated. There will be a new system for hiring teachers and ensuring their permanent employment.
  28. The School is Ours program will continue.
  29. Elementary school hours will be extended.
  30. Public schools will be health prevention systems.
  31. Public high schools will be strengthened. All those who study in middle schools will have a place in high schools. The University of Health and the Rosario Castellanos University will be extended nationwide.
  32. The Metropolitan Commission of Public Institutions of. Higher Secondary Education (Comipems) will be eliminated.
  33. Mexico will be a scientific power.
  34. The technological development program will be launched. A vehicle will be produced. Lithium production will be launched. Low cost and high efficiency drones will be produced. There will be technology made in Mexico.
  35. We will support community sports programs, we will support high performance athletes.
  36. The arts system will be created. There will be musical groups in every public school.
  37. Conditions will be guaranteed so that artists will receive fair payment for their work.
  38. There shall be access to culture.
  39. The historical memory of Mexico shall be recovered.
  40. There will be a republic of readers with free access to digital libraries.
  41. From birth, all Mexicans must have access to free medicines and clinics. The IMSS Bienestar program will be consolidated.
  42. The pharmaceutical supply system will be strengthened. There will be well-being pharmacies along with well-being banks.
  43. There will be a care system for the first thousand days of life.
  44. Blood samples will be taken in the great majority of health-care centers.
  45. The equipping of health-care units will be continued. Cataract and knee surgery will be strengthened.
  46. In schools and workplaces there will be programs to counteract obesity and diabetes.
  47. 17 IMSS Bienestar health-care units and 7 ISSSTE hospitals will be inaugurated.
  48. One million homes will be built during the new administration. 450,000 low-cost mortgage loans will be granted.
  49. There will be a massive housing deed program.
  50. An unprecedented project will be carried out in the eastern part of Mexico City. More than 10 million people live there. There are considerable disparities.
  51. We will create the first Ministry of Women. A reform package will be sent to Congress on October 3. Substantive equality will be established in Article 4. Aggressors will be forced to leave their home. The presence of women will be mandatory in all public ministries.
  52. Access to women’s health will be strengthened.
  53. The agrarian rights of women will be recognized.
  54. All women will be given a detailed guide to their rights.
  55. The National Care System will begin with the IMSS and the Integral Family Development system (DIF). It will start with agricultural day laborers, beginning in Ciudad Juarez.
  56. The increase in the minimum wage will continue in order to reach income sufficient to purchase 2.5 basic baskets of foods and services.
  57. Pensions will be increased.
  58. The minimum wage for soldiers, National Guardsmen, marines, teachers, and doctors will be increased.
  59. The IMSS will be made mandatory for delivery drivers.
  60. The 40-hour week will be promoted.
  61. The rescue program for the Pasta de Conchos miners will continue.
  62. Food sovereignty will guarantee the supply of corn for human consumption. There will be a fair price for tortillas.
  63. We will guarantee health-care for day laborers.
  64. A national seed company will be created.
  65. The Harvesting Sovereignty program will be created.
  66. Seguridad Alimentaria Mexicana (Segalmex) will merge with the social supply network Diconsa to create Food for Well-Being (Alimentación para el Bienestar). It will sell products in the Well-Being stores. Diconsa will be supported and a milk plant will be opened in Campeche and another in Michoacán.
  67. There will be a program in Campeche and Tabasco to promote rice production.
  68. Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex) and the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) will be strengthened.
  69. Oil will be produced for national consumption.
  70. The CFE will be strengthened to produce at least 54% of national production.
  71. Renewable energies will be promoted.
  72. In some cities in northern Mexico, a photovoltaic panel program will be promoted.
  73. We will increase the national production of fertilizers.
  74. Economic incentives will continue in the border region.
  75. More border bridges will be built.
  76. Passenger train lines have been reactivated. The Maya Train is already operating. It will be extended to Puerto Progreso.
  77. In the Interoceanic Railway, Line K connecting to the Guatemalan border will be completed. Guatemala will be assisted to extend the railway line beyond the border.
  78. There will be a Mexico-Pachuca Train line. There will be 3,000 kilometers of train lines extending to northern Mexico.
  79. There will be a train line to Nuevo Laredo. On the other side of the country, there will be a train line to Nogales. The Mexico-Veracruz Train line will be reactivated. Cargo shipping will be strengthened.
  80. We will fill potholes along 4,000 kilometers of highways.
  81. There will be more country roads.
  82. In Baja California Sur there will be a highway to Los Cabos.
  83. Highways will be constructed in Guerrero and Morelos.
  84. Highways will be constructed in Colima, Oaxaca, Quintana Roo, Hidalgo, Tamaulipas, Tabasco, Sonora, Veracruz, and Guanajuato.
  85. More highways will be built in other parts of the country.
  86. Mexicana de Aviación will be strengthened.
  87. We will expand airports in Tamuín, Lázaro Cárdenas, and Puerto Escondido.
  88. Internet access is a right, there will be constitutional reform in this regard.
  89. The relocation of companies is welcome. This month the Regional Development and Localization Council will be formed so that there will be 100 industrial parks.
  90. Plan Sonora will be strengthened.
  91. The Balsas River-South Pacific program will be promoted.
  92. We will clean up the three most polluted rivers, the Lerma, Tula, and Atoyac rivers.
  93. The pollution of the megalopolises will be addressed.
  94. A circular economy project will be carried out to clean up the Tula River.
  95. We will build garbage recycling plants.
  96. We will protect the forests.
  97. Access to water will be a government priority. Concessions will be put in order.
  98. Technology will be introduced in thousands of hectares of irrigated land in different states.
  99. There will be greater access to water. Access to water will be guaranteed in Mexico City and Hidalgo.
  100. We will guarantee the reduction of high impact crimes. Security and peace are the fruit of justice. The causes will be addressed. The Jóvenes Uniendo a la Nación (Youth Uniting the Nation) program will be initiated. For those who charge that the National Guard represents militarization, this is false. There will be a national intelligencen system. Next week the national security strategy will be announced.
LEER MÁS:  Claudia Sheinbaum recibe el bastón de mando y lanza sus 100 compromisos

We will continue to meet in public squares. We are the only option that represents Well-Being and progress with Justice. I am clear that our guiding principle is the well-being and happiness of the people.

I pledge that I will give my knowledge, my soul, my life, for the well-being of the people. To exalt love, friendship, and fraternity.

I make this commitment to you in this square, the heart of the Homeland, that I will not fail you. I pledge not to lie, not to steal, and never to betray the people.

LEER MÁS:  Biden envía felicitaciones a Claudia Sheinbaum y pide trabajar por un futuro próspero