President Andrés Manuel López Obrador emphasized that the country is facing a historic moment in its history, because the majority of the people decided to give their full support to the transformation movement. “They did so thinking that it was necessary to modify the laws and enact constitutional reforms […] the Constitution is going to contemplate the rights of all, especially social rights,” he pointed out.

Within the framework of the discussion in the National Electoral Institute (INE) on the allocation of proportional representation seats in Congress, President López Obrador called upon the board members to resist calls urging them to reinterpret the Constitution, since this would be a violation of the Magna Carta. According to INE’s preliminary draft ruling, the majority held by Morena and allies in the Chamber of Deputies will be confirmed. “They must take into account that the people exist,” the President said.

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President López Obrador will send a letter to Supreme Court Chief Justice Norma Piña urging that the cases involving tax debtors who owe the Treasury more than 35 billion pesos ($US1.82 billion) proceed. “Constitutionally, they have no reason to put this ruling, which has already been resolved in the corresponding judicial bodies, on hold,” he explained.

The President said he respects the right of the Judicial Branch employees who launched an indefinite work stoppage, to protest. However, he reminded them that the Judicial Reform does not seek to harm their interests, but was designed to eliminate corruption.

In the Who’s Who in Lies segment, it was reported that:

-An Investigation revealed that Mexicans Against Corruption and Impunity finances associations and individuals to launch campaigns against the federal government.

-It is not true that the majority of Americans have a negative view of Mexican migrants in the United States. The Pearson Institute survey, conducted in 2023, shows that Americans have a positive view of Mexicans in that country.

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-It is false that with the Judicial Reform, President López Obrador will impose judges and justices. It is also not true that the Judicial Reform will weaken the independence of the National Electoral Institute. Nor is it the case that the President seeks to “abolish the division of powers” between the three branches of government.