President Andrés Manuel López Obrador reported that, in collaboration with Brazil and Bolivia, efforts are underway for a safe-conduct pass for former Ecuadorian vice-president Jorge Glas, who would be granted asylum in Mexico. At the same time, the President reiterated that Mexico wants the Inter-American Court of Justice to rule on the complaint filed against Ecuador for the raid on the Mexican embassy in Quito. «There was a flagrant violation of our sovereignty and international law,» he said.

Minister of the Interior Luisa Alcalde explained that the Senate approved two reforms:

-Reform to the Amnesty Law, which establishes the possibility of granting amnesty to persons who provide useful data to determine the truth about facts in cases that are important to the Mexican State, such as the case of the missing Ayotzinapa students.

-Reform to the Amparo Law, to prevent judges and justices from issuing provisional suspensions against laws or reforms approved by Congress.

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The General Director of the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) Manuel Bartlett reported that the rescue of the miners who were trapped in the February 19, 2006 explosion at the Pasta de Conchos mine is close at hand, given that the area where the bodies are possibly to be found has already been located. In relation to the Pinabete mine, Bartlett said that 4 bodies have already been located, and there is no limitation in technical support or resources to continue with the search and rescue of the 6 workers who are still trapped.

President López Obrador reiterated his support to retired Supreme Court Justice Arturo Zaldívar. He said that the investigation against him by the Federal Judiciary Council (CJF) is an eminently political matter.

According to the National Statistics Institute (INEGI), in March 2024, 53.5% of the adult population have trust in the President, at a level of 8 to 10. Meanwhile, social trust in authorities in charge of public security increased from December 2023 to March 2024. Trust in the Navy went from 86.8% to 88%; in the Army from 83.5% to 83.9%; in the National Guard from 76.2% to 76.6%; in the State Police from 55.2% to 58% and in the Municipal Preventive Police from 51% to 53%.

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