Morning Presidential Press Conference — Monday, July 17, 2023

Summary of the main points in President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador’s daily press conference

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador indicated that he will abide, under protest, with the precautionary measures imposed by the electoral bodies ordering him to refrain from expressing his opinion concerning opposition presidential hopeful Xóchitl Gálvez. However, he reiterated that the prohibition limits his freedom of expression and is part of a strategy of his adversaries to silence him. The President emphasized that any campaign against his government no longer functions because the people are not letting themselves be deceived.

Following his work visit to Sonora, the President announced that the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) and Mexico Pacific Limited reached an agreement for the investment of US$13 billion in a liquefaction plant to be located in Puerto Libertad. This new plant will take advantage of the CFE’s gas surpluses, generate profits, and help keep electricity prices low.

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The head of the National Fund for Tourism Promotion (Fonatur), Javier May, reported that Section 3 of the Maya Train, which goes from Calkiní to Izamal, has 95.5% of the track completed, only 7 km are yet to be laid. The work projects on this section have generated 11,000 jobs. It was announced that the first four-car train for the route, which arrived in Cancun between July 8 and 9, has already been assembled and static tests have begun.

President López Obrador called on Mexican nationals in the United States not to vote for Republicans such as Texas Governor Greg Abbott, who ordered the installation of floating buoys in the Rio Grande to prevent undocumented migrants from reaching the U.S. side of the river.