President Andrés Manuel López Obrador welcomed the approval of the Judicial Reform in the Chamber of Deputies. He pointed out that the conservative sector that opposes it has no moral, legal, or political grounds to reject the transformation of the country’s judicial system and condemned the Supreme Court justices who went on strike, without grounds but with pay. “How does one face something that’s decadent?  With a radical transformation […] We must all put the general interest first,” he said.

In presenting a balance sheet of the delivery of social program payments, the Minister of Well-Being Ariadna Montiel reported that as of September, there are over 14.43 million beneficiaries, for which more than 534.90 billion pesos (US$26.88 billion) will have been invested during 2024. The distribution of the senior citizen stipend/pension, corresponding to the final two months of the López Obrador administration, will take place from September 2 to 21.

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The head of the National Council of Humanities, Sciences, and Technologies (Conahcyt), María Elena Álvarez-Buylla emphasized that the Council is now a fully public institution, focused on the general interest. This strengthens sovereignty and responds to the needs of society, unlike what occurred in the neoliberal period when subsidies were granted to large companies such as Kimberly Clark, Femsa, or Monsanto, which received more than 45.64 billion pesos (US$2.69 billion) in non-repayable funds.

In the Who’s Who is Lies segment it was reported that:

-It is not true that the Judicial Reform inhibits new investments due to lack of legal certainty.

-It is false that Private Property has been eliminated in Mexico City due to the amendments to the capital’s constitution regarding Private, Public, and Social Property.

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-It is not the case that job creation closed the first half of the year with negative numbers.

-Columnist Lourdes Mendoza was is exposed for asking for “approval” for one of her articles in El Financiero.

The second chapter of the documentary on the Maya Train, made by Epigmenio Ibarra, will be released on September 5 at 9:00 p.m. on President López Obrador’s social networks.