President Andrés Manuel López Obrador criticized the Supreme Court (SCJN) for having granted an injunction to a company against the decree that prohibits the sale of vaping devices. He charged that the justices put business considerations above the people’s health. The President said that in February 2024 he will present three reform bills, concerning the Judicial Branch, for the election of judges and justices; electoral matters; and to constitutionally codify the government stipend for people with disabilities.
Following the suspension granted by Supreme Court Justice Javier Laynez, which nullifies the decision to eliminate 13 judicial branch trusts, President López Obrador reiterated that their elimination will not affect the workers. It has been that the money from the trusts be allocated to the victims of Hurricane Otis in Acapulco, Guerrero.
President López Obrador announced that he will deliver home ownership certificates to all the victims of Hurricane Otis in Acapulco and Coyuca de Benítez who do not have property deeds. Starting tomorrow, the distribution of financial assistance for home reconstruction will begin, ranging from 35,000 to 60,000 pesos (US$2016 to US$3456) per household.
The Urban Improvement Program carried out by the Ministry of Agrarian, Land, and Urban Development (Sedatu) has had a positive impact in 165 municipalities in 26 states. The program has provided 430,545 housing loans and contemplates public work projects and development plans with an investment of almost 63.11 billion pesos (US$3.63 billion), benefiting 10.7 million people. The National Housing Policy has managed reduce the housing backlog, benefitting 2.9 million people.
Since December 2018, the FOVISSSTE housing agency has provided 234,042 mortgage loans. This year, 32,236 loans were granted, involving a total of 30.19 billion pesos (US$1.72 billion). By 2024, 38,225 mortgage loans are expected to be granted and the maximum amounts of the credits will increase by 56%. Financing of up to 2.07 million pesos (US$119,175) will be available. The Infonavit housing agency has granted 2.3 million mortgage loans, involving 1.1 trillion pesos (US$63 billion).