President Andrés Manuel López Obrador pointed out that the differences with former President Ernesto Zedillo are clear. For Zedillo, neoliberalism is a viable model, while for the transformation movement, neoliberalism is neoporfirism, it is protecting the oligarchy. «He did not govern for the people; he governed for those at the top,» the President explained.
The head of the Executive Branch reiterated that most of the Well-Being programs and changes in the judicial system will become constitutionally protected rights, due to the reform bill he will send to Congress. The President will also seek to codify the right of indigenous peoples to be treated with dignity.
The President will propose a reform to make the presidential recall referendums binding with only 30% voter participation.
By the end of President López Obrador’s term in office, the federal government will have allocated more than 2.7 trillion pesos (US$150 billion) of public budgetary funds to social programs. This year will close with close to 28 million beneficiaries of such programs.
The Ministry of Well-Being will pay two bi-monthly stipends for senior citizens and people with disabilities in advance of the scheduled date. The payments will correspond to March-April and May-June. Senior citizens will receive 12,000 pesos (US$698) and people with disabilities 6,200 pesos (US$360). The payment schedule begins on January 29 and ends on February 23.
The Jóvenes Construyendo el Futuro program has almost 2.86 million beneficiaries, who receive financial support of 7,572 pesos (US$440). The budget investment in this program for 2024 will be almost 24.21 billion pesos (US$1.41 billion). The funds will be dispersed on January 26. The Internet for All program now offers free Wifi in 23,605 locations.