The Mexican government, in coordination with state governments and the National Electoral Institute (INE), is working to guarantee that the people will express themselves freely and vote without any fear or pressure on June 2. “May the vote be truly free, secret, individual, and an example of democracy […] these will be the cleanest, freest elections in the history of Mexico,” President López Obrador declared.

The President said there will be security in processing the election results, since in Mexico there is no longer any electoral fraud and there is confidence in the people and the electoral authority. “There are now other conditions in place; this is another Mexico,” he explained.

LEER MÁS:  Legisladores de México y EE.UU se declaran UNIDOS CONTRA LA INVASIÓN

Deputy Minister of Public Security Luis Rodríguez Bucio denounced State of Mexico district judge Marco Antonio Beltrán for calling for U.S. intervention in Mexico’s elections. The judge uploaded a video in his social networks in which he claimed that democracy in Mexico was in danger, for which he asked for messages of support, encouragement, and solidarity to empower judicial independence.

The Program for the Regularization of Vehicles of Foreign Origin has regularized the status of 2,291,953 vehicles. As a result, almost 5.73 billion pesos (US$342 million) in the corresponding fees have been collected, with the funds earmarked for improving roads and highways.

LEER MÁS:  Más de 4 mil migrantes deportados del 20 al 26 de enero: Sheinbaum