Deputy Minister of Prevention and Health Promotion, Ruy Lopez, reported that during the first week of the winter vaccination campaign, 1.7 million doses of the Abdala and Sputnik vaccines against COVID-19 have been administered. He indicated that the vaccines are now being distributed in all health-care institutions. The goal is to provide 35.2 million influenza and 19.4 million anti-COVID-19 vaccines.

Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) General Director Zoé Robledo indicated that the IMSS-BIENESTAR program serves 53.2 million Mexicans in 23 states. The project offers medical attention in 714 hospitals and close to 14,000 health-care centers. In addition, 7,000 specialized medical offices and more than 28,000 hospital beds have been equipped to attend to the population without social security.

Minister of Security Rosa Icela Rodríguez reported that as part of the plan to rescue the Institute for Social Security and Services for State Workers (ISSSTE), six new medical units are being built in different states. An investment of 1.25 billion pesos (US$68 million) is contemplated to provide maintenance to second and third level medical units. Currently, IMSS pharmaceutical supply levels are at 95.6% in the central warehouse.

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President Andrés Manuel López Obrador indicated that the new free textbooks promote Mexico’s cultural diversity. He said that the Náhuatl University is about to be inaugurated in Milpa Alta and stressed that it is important not to lose traditions, languages, origins, and identity.

The President said he made a commitment to increase the volume of water from 100 to 200 liters per second in the municipality of Ecatepec, for which he asked the National Water Commission (CONAGUA) and military engineers to attend to the issue. He also reported that the second pump at the El Cuchillo II reservoir will soon be operating, which will distribute 1,000 liters of water per second to Monterrey.

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The Mexican President highlighted the decrease in inflation in the first two weeks of October, which dropped to 4.27% according to National Statistics Institute (INEGI) data. He said the numbers are on par with the growth of the Mexican economy.

López Obrador received the third dose of the Abdalá COVID-19 vaccine as well as the influenza vaccine. He urged the population to get vaccinated and reminded them that they can do so in all federal institutions as it is everyone’s right. He said that the Patria vaccine will be available by the end of November.