President Andrés Manuel López Obrador pointed out that those who are on strike against the Judicial Reform seek to defend their interests and privileges. “They do not represent the people, they are the representatives of the oligarchy,” he said.
During the Zero Impunity report, Deputy Minister of Security Luis Rodríguez Bucio denounced two judges who issued irregular rulings against the Judicial Reform:
-The Fifth District Judge in the State of Morelos, Martha Eugenia Magaña López, granted an ex officio suspension to various federal judges so that the reform would not take effect, which means that it would not be discussed in the plenary session of the Chamber of Deputies.
-The Third District Judge of Amparo and Federal Trials in the State of Chiapas, Felipe V Consuelo Soto, granted an ex officio suspension to other federal judges that implies that Congress refrain from sending its resolution on the Judicial Reform to the legislatures of the States and Mexico City for their corresponding approval, until the definitive suspension of the injunction filed over alleged damage and harm that is difficult to repair is resolved.
Minister of Security and Citizen Protection Rosa Icela Rodríguez reported that as of August 31, the number of victims of intentional homicide decreased 19%, compared to December 2018.
While presenting a report on the security situation in Guanajuato, Rodríguez charged that the high rates of violence and homicides in the state are related to the application of the neoliberal model installed in 33 years of PAN governments and its alliance with the extreme right-wing El Yunque.
President López Obrador reported that customs revenue collection grew 4% since it has been managed by the ministries of the Navy and National Defense.