«Those who think that we will backtrack on reforming the Judicial Branch are mistaken,» as that would imply that corruption will continue, the President said, sending a message to legislators. He told them that «you have to assume your responsibility and show that you are representatives of the people.» López Obrador also reiterated that if the people elect judges and justices, the latter will not be employees of private individuals or of the economic elite. «They are going to have to answer to the people,» he stressed.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador emphasized that in the June 2 elections the people of Mexico said no to expressions of classism and racism. He recalled that the new administration to be headed by Claudia Sheinbaum will attend to and respect everyone, but with a priority on the poorest strata of the population.

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On June 15 and 16, President López Obrador, together with virtual president-elect Claudia Sheinbaum, will visit the states of Durango, Coahuila, and Tamaulipas, where they will hold informational meetings on the projects that are finished or are in the process of concluding, with a view toward the transition between the two administrations.

In the Who’s Who in Lies segment, it was reported that:

-Journalists circulated a fake video of a supposed land mine explosion in Aguililla, Michoacán. The original video was recorded in Ukraine.

-It is not true that Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) pensions will be reduced as of June.

-It is not true that the housing reform will eliminate private property. The reform proposes that the Infonavit housing agency allocate resources for the construction of housing; it recognizes the right to lease housing and proposes that after 10 years, the worker can buy the house in question at a reduced price, with the installments already paid being taken into account.

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-It is false that the Judicial Branch reform will result in the loss of judiciary autonomy.