President Andrés Manuel López Obrador congratulated the country’s educators on Teachers’ Day and announced that the plan to support the teaching profession will be presented today. He announced that federal basic education teachers will receive an annual salary increase of 10%, so that their monthly wage will be 17,635 pesos (US$1,055).

The President charged that Mexican and Spanish right-wing forces seek to undermine his government and the Fourth Transformation movement. He explained that using the Spanish parliament as a platform, conservatives of both countries have tried to intervene in the June elections in Mexico.

Foreign Direct Investment topped US$20.31 billion in the first quarter of 2024, a historical record. “There is no economic stagnation, there continues to be progress with social justice in our country,” President López Obrador emphasized.

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On May 16, at the morning presidential press conference, the Mexican Government will present the plan to rescue the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) and will explain the role of the National Energy Control Center. The CFE went from producing 38% of energy to 50% thanks to the purchase of 13 plants and the implementation of more than 20 projects to strengthen energy generation.

In the Who’s Who in Lies segment, it was reported that:

-It is false that five alleged members of the Familia Michoacana drug cartel were killed in a confrontation with the army in Veracruz. The confrontation never occurred; photos of incidents from 2023 were doctored.

-It is not true that there was a confrontation in Santa Ana, Sonora. It was a cargo vehicle accident.

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-It is false that the CDMX metro experienced fires and short circuits. Authorities checked the trains and the system’s operation was normal.

-A warning was issued concerning the use of President López Obrador’s image to commit fraud. Fraudsters use Artificial Intelligence to manipulate advertising inviting the population to invest in Pemex, which is not legally possible; they only seek to steal from unsuspecting users.