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julio 8, 2024 |
Highlights of this morning’s presidential press conference include: AMLO reiterated that corruption is what has most damaged the country and that it is the main cause of inequality. Currently, the fight against corruption saves US$55.62 billion annually, most of which is earmarked to social well-being programs; López Obrador emphasized that his government is distributing wealth and income. 90% of Mexicans directly receive part of the US$500.66 billion from the annual budget, while the 10% who do not directly receive such resources benefit because there is no consumption crisis or unemployment in the country; the President declared that he is in favor of modifying the Judicial Reform proposal if it will improve it; from 2019 to 2024, the Financiera para el Bienestar autonomous government financial institution has provided more than 2.8 million unsecured loans, rotating savings and credit association credits, and solidarity credits for almost US$2.57 billion; the President welcomed the results of the legislative elections in France, where the New Popular Front came in first place. "The peoples of the world are in favor of freedom, fraternity, and equality," he emphasized.


julio 5, 2024 |
Highlights of this morning’s presidential press conference include: AMLO welcomed the appointments of the current Minister of Security and Citizen Protection Rosa Icela Rodríguez as future Minister of the Interior in Claudia Sheinbaum's cabinet and Mario Delgado as Minister of Public Education, Omar García Harfuch as Minister of Security and Citizen Protection, and Ariadna Montiel as Minister of Well-Being; the Banco del Bienestar was created to disperse social program funds directly to the more than 26.5 million beneficiaries, especially in the most remote areas where there were no bank branches. The bank’s total coverage involves 3,149 branches in 2,701 localities in 1,970 municipalities; during the early hours of Friday morning, Hurricane Beryl made landfall in Quintana Roo, as a category 2 storm. There have been no reports of injuries or deaths, but there is information on fallen trees and power lines, as well as property damage. There are 58 shelters set up in 11 municipalities, where 2,93 people are being attended to. The Mexican government deployed more than 25,000 members of public security bodies to attend to the emergency. Thus far, the most affected areas are Tulum, Felipe Carrillo Puerto, and Solidaridad, where power lines are down. The Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) is working to restore service.


julio 4, 2024 |
Highlights of this morning’s presidential press conference include: Hurricane Beryl alerts have been issued for the states of Quintana Roo, Yucatan, and Campeche. The storm is expected to make landfall in the early hours of June 5, as a category 3 hurricane. More than 13,300 members of public security forces have been deployed to attend to the population and 18 shelters are available; AMLO acknowledged that president-elect Claudia Sheinbaum’s priority is to build housing for workers and young people; the President confirmed that on July 29, together with Claudia Sheinbaum, he will meet with the family members of the 43 missing Ayotzinapa teacher training college students. In addition, he indicated that on July 8 he will deliver files with information and appendixes on the progress of the investigation into the disappeared students to their families. "The case will not be swept under the rug," he said; the Internet for All digital strategy has installed 11,174 communication towers throughout the country to provide service, as a priority, to rural localities where large companies did not invest in telecommunications infrastructure. To date, coverage has been extended to 118,424 localities. Two-thirds of the inhabitants of rural areas are now Internet users, compared to the 85% of urban population.


julio 3, 2024 |
Highlights of this morning’s presidential press conference include: AMLO reiterated that it is not necessary for Supreme Court Chief Justice Norma Piña to resign in order for the Judicial Reform to proceed. He recalled that the proposal is that the people elect the judges and justices, so that they have the people’s interests at heart, and are not at the service of a greedy minority; the head of the Financial Intelligence Unit, Pablo Gómez, reported that opposition journalist Carlos Loret de Mola is not part of the complaint filed in May 2021 with the Federal Attorney General’s Office (FGR) for the crimes of corruption and financial operations of illicit origin allegedly committed by the Latinus consortium, whose owner is Christian González Guadarrama; Hurricane Beryl could enter Tulum and Carrillo Puerto, in the state of Quintana Roo, between the night of Thursday, July 4 and the early morning hours of Friday, July 5 and is make a second landfall in the states of Tamaulipas and Veracruz between July 7 and 8.


julio 2, 2024 |
Highlights of this morning’s presidential press conference include: AMLO rejected any type of negotiation to achieve approval of the Judicial Reform. "That’s what was done in the period of corruption and authoritarianism [...] Let it be in accordance with the Constitution and the law," he said; the President indicated that the country's economy is doing very well and an example of this is that his administration is the only one, since 1970, in which the peso has not been devalued; in the first half of 2024, almost US$130.86 billion were collected in tax revenues, a real 6.1% y/o increase; the IMSS Bienestar program already has 9.5 million people registered to access free medical services. The process of enrolling beneficiaries is currently underway in the 23 states where this health care model operates; the Clinic is Ours program, which will improve the infrastructure of 11,692 health-care centers, is 97.7% complete in terms of affiliates having their membership cards.


julio 1, 2024 |
Highlights of this morning’s presidential press conference include: AMLO recalled that today, six years ago, the people of Mexico initiated the process of transformation of the country’s political life. He emphasized that what has been achieved in his administration has been a true feat: corruption has been fought as never before, the peso was not devalued, and poverty was reduced; according to the latest El Financiero poll, President López Obrador's approval rating is 66% nationwide; the President said that Claudia Sheinbaum as the next president will guarantee that there will be no setbacks, but rather development with progress and justice."; as of today, the Pension Fund for Well-Being will begin operating. It will guarantee supplementary pensions, so that retired workers with pensions of less than US$910.80 can receive 100% of the income they had earned as active workers; the President reported that the Escárcega - Tulum section of the Maya Train will be inaugurated in August. Between September 7 and 8, the entire circuit of this mega project will be completed.


junio 28, 2024 |
Highlights of this morning’s presidential press conference include: AMLO revealed that in the meeting he held yesterday with virtual president-elect Claudia Sheinbaum, Morena governors, and future members of the cabinet, they discussed the results of the June 2 election and unity toward the future; the President acknowledged the people of Mexico who no longer sell their dignity and now demand to be part of the country’s political life, such as in the election of judges and justices, proposed as part of the Judicial Reform; the Minister of Infrastructure, Communications, and Transportation reported that the program of Highways, Roads, and Freeways is 90% complete and almost US$12.46 billion have been invested in the construction and completion of 555 roads; The President reiterated that there is no persecution waged against opposition aligned journalist Carlos Loret de Mola. He called on Loret de Mora not to blame the government for his failure as a journalist in the service of corruption.

How Morena Turned Anti-Corruption Politics Into Class Politics

junio 27, 2024 |
By Edwin F. Ackerman Anti-corruption politics was key to the landslide victory of AMLO’s Morena party in Mexico. Morena branded neoliberalism a form of upward […]


junio 27, 2024 |
Highlights of this morning’s presidential press conference include: AMLO indicated that he was pleased that the attempted coup d'état on the part of a section of the Bolivian Armed Forces was not consummated. He acknowledged the Luis Arce government’s response to the crisis he faced yesterday; the President made it clear that the Judicial Reform does not affect its employees’ working conditions. On the contrary, their rights will be guaranteed and they will benefit from the reform, since they will no longer be subject to influence-peddling and impositions. "The reform has to do with the election, by the people, of judges and justices. Workers' rights are safe," he stressed; President López Obrador recalled that the electoral reform he proposed includes the elimination of proportional representation legislators, a reduction in the costs of elections, financing granted to the political parties and the electoral bodies, which could generate savings of US$540 million. This bill could include the proposal being made by president-elect Claudia Sheinbaum of not allowing the reelection of judges and justices.


junio 26, 2024 |
Highlights of this morning’s presidential press conference include: AMLO reiterated that the people of Mexico are very politicized, a factor that will help continue the country’s transformation; Minister of Public Education Leticia Ramírez emphasized that the transformation of education in Mexico is based on strengthening public schools and revalidating teachers’ performance in the classroom. Some 960,000 teachers have had their employment status regularized and US$10.47 billion have been earmarked for teacher salary increases; the School is Ours program, which provides funding for the maintenance of schools directly to parents' committees, has invested US$4.6 billion in improving 173,651 schools during the current administration; in the same period, the Benito Juarez Scholarships for Well-Being program has allocated additional billions of dollars in assistance for public school and higher education students and postgraduate scholarships; Also during the AMLO administration, the high school dropout rate declined from 14% in 2018-2019 to 9% in 2022-2023.