President Andrés Manuel López Obrador regretted that Canada has toughened the requirements for Mexicans who wish to enter the country, since now they will have to have a Canadian or US visa. The President felt that there were other options to consider before adopting such measures. However, he clarified that relations with Canada will not be broken.

During the opening of the Cancun-Playa del Carmen section of the Mayan Train, President Lopez Obrador recalled that this mega project will allow passengers to get to know the great Mayan cities and for tourists to enter and get to know the wonders of southern Quintana Roo, Campeche, Chiapas, Tabasco, and Yucatan.

The Cancun-Playa del Carmen section of the Mayan Train has an extension of 43.3 km; it will offer transfers with 10 services, 4 of them to attend the mobility of the tourism labor force in Quintana Roo. Ticket prices are 79.00 pesos (US$4.63) for the special rate; 99.00 pesos (US$5.80) for local residents; 148.00 and 236.00 pesos (US$8.67 and US$13.83) for national passengers, and 197.00 and 315.00 pesos (US$11.54 and US$18.46) for international passengers, in tourist and first class compartments respectively.

LEER MÁS:  Seguimos con la gramática

In 70 days of operation, the Mayan Train has transported 64,370 passengers. The routes with the highest demand are Merida, Cancun Airport, Campeche, Valladolid, and Palenque.

Quintana Roo Governor Mara Lezama emphasized that the Mayan Train has promoted federal public investment projects that have modernized the state and improved the quality of life of the population. To date, 50 billion pesos (US$2.93 billion) have been invested in projects such as Colosio Boulevard, the Nichupté Lagoon Bridge, the Tulum airport, and the El Jaguar ecological park.

LEER MÁS:  Autosuficiencia energética, rescate a CFE y tarifa sin aumento real: AMLO