President Andrés Manuel López Obrador reiterated that there is no economic risk in the upcoming transition to the new administration, as the country’s public finances are strong. He highlighted some of the achievements obtained thanks to the policy of Mexican Humanism:

-Reduction of poverty, such as has not occurred in 30 years.

-Decrease in inequality.

-Increase of the minimum wage, such as has not occurred in 40 years.

-Strengthening of the peso.

-Unprecedented job creation.

-Increased Banco de México foreign reserves.

-Record foreign direct investment numbers.

President López Obrador charged that from 2018 to 2024, judges have favored at least 192 highly dangerous criminals, who have been released on Fridays and Sundays. This modus operandi occurs because weekends are when it is more difficult to check if those released have other outstanding investigations surrounding their cases.

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In 15 days the Mexican Government will present an analysis of the public security situation in Guanajuato, where 40 municipal police officers have been killed so far this year. “Even though (Guanajuato) has good economic growth and job creation, it has more homicides than other states, due to the high consumption of drugs,” the President explained.

The Program for the Regularization of Vehicles of Foreign Origin has regularized the status of almost 2.41 million vehicles, from which more than 6 billion pesos (US$330 million) in fees have been obtained, funds earmarked for paving of streets and avenues. The program ends on September 30.

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