President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador rejected accusations in an article by journalist Tim Golden that claims that his 2006 presidential campaign was financed by organized crime, information supposedly from DEA sources. The President charged that the article was slanderous and demanded proof of what was published. «I denounce the U.S. Government for allowing these immoral practices contrary to the political ethics that should prevail in all governments around the world,» he said.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador hailed the PRI’s announcement that it will support the pension reform bill. He recalled that for many years the PRI had forgotten about the workers, «Even stones change their minds,» he said. Another bill that the President will present on February 5, he announced, will seek to prevent and prohibit animal abuse.

The Mexican government requested impeachment proceedings against Crescencio Contreras Martínez, District Judge Specialized in the Accusatory Criminal Justice System in the state of Tamaulipas, because he has favored criminal groups with his rulings. «This has to do with an already very brazen attitude on the part of the judges and the judiciary …. It is a rotten branch of government, full of corruption and without principles,» Lopez Obrador explained.

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The President reported that Ana Elizabeth García Vilchis will continue to direct the section “Who’s Who in Lies”, after deciding not to run for elected office in Puebla.

In the Who’s Who in Lies it was reported that:
-It is false that President López Obrador seeks to eliminate private property through a legal reform. A fake document was circulated with information on an alleged reform to article 139 of the Constitution. In fact, this article does not exist, the Magna Carta only has 136 articles.
-Archaeological zones in Chiapas are not closed due to public insecurity.
-Between January 1 and 28, newspapers published 162 negative articles on public security issues. Reforma, El Sol de México, and El Universal were the dailies that most magnified incidents of violence.
-It is not true that the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) in Michoacán is delaying radiation therapy appointments for 11 months and has no supply of medicines for breast cancer patients.

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