Summary -Morning Presidential Press Conference – Wednesday, October 11, 2023

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced that a card will be given to IMSS-Bienestar patients to track their illnesses and the delivery of medicines. It has already begun and is free of charge. He indicated that in 15 of the 23 states that have signed up with the program, there is an average supply of 96% of pharmaceuticals and that the states that do not join the system will receive the corresponding budgetary outlays.

Laura Velázquez, National Coordinator of Civil Protection, reported on the damages caused by hurricane Lidia in Jalisco, Nayarit, Colima, and Guerrero. She said 32,000 relief workers are assisting in the affected areas; one person is reported dead. She emphasized that today there will be damage assessment visits and that the three levels of government are working in coordination to assist the population.

The President reiterated that Mexico has a stable currency, and in fact, worldwide the peso is the currency that has most strengthened against the dollar. He indicated that the International Monetary Fund has spoken highly of the Mexican economy and also said that his government is respectful of the autonomy of the Banco de México and there is no interference in this institution.

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President López Obrador announced that he will travel to Perote, Veracruz to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the founding of the Heroic Military College. He recalled that this is where the Armed Forces Cadet School began and highlighted the participation of this college in the history of Mexico.

In the Who’s who in Lies segment it was reported that:

-Tesla will indeed install a factory in Mexico. The media reported that the project was cancelled due to legal uncertainty and lack of investment support. The company has already denied the allegations.

-It is not true that there is a plague of bedbugs throughout the country. The federal and Mexico City health departments clarified that there is no health alert for these insects.

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-It is not true that the Mexican government operates a bot farm. The images circulated correspond to a call center in Brazil. The government of the 4T does not hire these services.

-It is false that social programs have not decreased poverty; the National Statistics Institute (INEGI) report proves the opposite.

-PEMEX reported that debt has gradually decreased during the current presidential administration. They warned about a scam in which the government or the state-owned company is supposedly asking for money.

-An INFODEMIA video was presented on the lies surrounding the extinction of judicial branch trusts.