New Models of Education and Child Care (CECI IMSS)
Zoé Robledo, director of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), explained the five pillars of the new child care and education model (CECI IMSS):
1. Placing children at the center of all actions.
2. Encouraging the participation of mothers and fathers.
3. Having committed and professional caregivers.
4. Rebuilding the social fabric.
5. Positioning Mexico as a country that cares for children and women.
It was reported that the early childhood caregiving program will begin in Ciudad Juarez, where 323 maquiladoras operate. In addition, 12 CECIs will be built under three different models:
– CECI: Operated directly by IMSS.
– ECECI: Managed by companies, with IMSS criteria and supervision.
– ECECI IMSS-DIF: Designed to provide services to women who are not IMSS affiliates.
The estimated budget for each CECI is 45 million pesos (US$2.2 million), earmarked for construction and equipment, plus 400,000 pesos (US$19,520) per month for operation.
Citizens’ Forums of the National Development Plan
Jesús Ramírez Cuevas, Coordinator of Presidential Advisors, reported on the progress of the citizen forums of the National Development Plan. So far, 31 forums have been held in 25 states, with the participation of 17,000 people, and 3,479 proposals have been received, related to the following axes:
• Governance with justice and citizen participation.
• Development with well-being and humanism.
• Moral economy and work.
• Sustainable development.
National and regional security strategies were also addressed.
Specific regional security strategies
President Claudia Sheinbaum explained that, in addition to the national security strategy, specific actions are being implemented for each state and region. For example, in Tabasco, the presence of the Ministry of National Defense and the National Guard was reinforced, in coordination with Governor Javier May, in order to strengthen the local security strategy.
Who declares war in their own country?: Sheinbaum criticizes Calderón and questions the “war on drug trafficking”.
Sheinbaum characterized former president Felipe Calderón’s decision to declare “war on drug trafficking” during his administration (2006-2012) as irresponsible, noting that this action enabled the indiscriminate use of force and the weakening of the rule of law. “Who declares war in their own country? War means permission to kill,” she said.
The President emphasized that declaring war in one’s own country is synonymous with authoritarianism and charged that some officials in Calderón’s government were linked to organized crime. She also presented a graph showing the increase in intentional homicides during that period, underlining the damage caused to the nation.
INE must establish clear rules: Sheinbaum on role of parties and judicial elections
President Sheinbaum urged the National Electoral Institute (INE) to define clear rules for the June 1 judicial elections, following the complaint filed against Supreme Court justices Lenia Batres Guadarrama, Yasmín Esquivel Mossa, and Loretta Ortiz Ahlf by an organization allegedly comprised of members of Movimiento Ciudadano. She stressed that it is urgent that the INE establish the role of political parties or the government in promoting voter participation but indicated that they should not publicize or affect specific candidates.
International relations
Sheinbaum welcomed U.S. President Joe Biden’s decision to remove Cuba from the list of countries that support terrorism.
Fentanyl crisis
The second chapter of the miniseries on the fentanyl crisis was screened, highlighting how opioid addiction in the United States was exacerbated by the pharmaceutical industry.
Lie detector
In this section, the following fake news were debunked:
– It is false that Mexico is no longer a democratic country.
– It is false with the transformation underway in Mexico, it has become a tyranny.
– It is false that the Youth Building the Future program is for “lazy and maintained people”.
– It is false that the government has eliminated the professional career service category.
– It is false that the General Hospital Dr. Aurelio Valdivieso has suspended surgeries due to lack of medicinal supplies.
– It is false that the INFONAVIT reform eliminates transparency mechanisms.
– It is false that a Mexican national caused one of the forest fires in Los Angeles.