Thank you very much for your presence here in this beautiful assembly, in this wonderful Zócalo, the heart of the Republic, the venue of historic events, where we have met so many times before. The reason for being here is to inform you of what we have accomplished and to strengthen our commitment to always be close to the people, to govern with the people, for the people, and by the people.
This is the Fourth Transformation of Mexico’s Public Life!
It has been 100 days since the beginning of the Second Stage of the Fourth Transformation. We visited the country’s 32 states; we traveled 32,449 kilometers by land and air; and we met with the 32 states, with the 32 state governments and the Head of the Mexico City Government, to together define the upcoming strategic projects.
Why do we call it the “Second Stage of the Fourth Transformation”? Because the foundations, the groundwork, were laid by the best President ever, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, and it is up to us to consolidate, add to, and move forward with the second stage, with its roots firmly planted and our hearts on our sleeves.
We are criticized by some media, by the commentocracy: “why don’t we take our distance, why do we defend the Well-Being Programs or the strategic work projects, why is there continuity in the project?”
But, if we have always said this, what’s the surprise?. This is why we fought during all these years. That is what we were elected for, to give continuity to the Transformation of Mexico’s Public Life, initiated in 2018.
Let it be proclaimed, far and wide: We will not return to the neoliberal model; we will not return to the regime of corruption and privileges, we will not let the decadence of the past return, where governing was for the benefit of a few. We will continue with Mexican Humanism and with the maxim “For the good of all, the poor come first.”
I want to emphasize, some people wished that we would not fulfill our commitment. I do not know what they expected, that I would say one thing and act differently, that I would commit myself to the people during the campaign and then betray them? Well, they are going to be left in the dust with such hopes, because we, those of us who honor our word, those of us who do not lie, those of us who do not steal, are not like them.
We are very far removed from such hypocrisy. We do not betray our principles, we do not betray our history, we do not betray our flag, and we will never betray the people of Mexico.
Also today I say to those who think that “women have no initiative of their own”, that “others think for us”, to those who affirm that “women do not govern because we do not have capacity or intelligence to do so”, to those who believe that “Presidente is only written with an ‘e’”, to those who cowardly cannot recognize that we women are people.
To those who have not yet understood that women can do these things, we say: Just as we run a home, just as we are mothers and grandmothers, we also have the strength, the fortitude, the spirit, and the ability to be firefighters, engineers, astronauts, doctors, lawyers, and Supreme Commanders of the Armed Forces.
Discrimination, racism, classism, and machismo are vestiges of the past.
Mexico is changing for the better. Even those who remained anchored in yesterday know that.
We are living in exceptional, unique, extraordinary times, because it is the Time for Transformation and Time for Women.
We will close the year 2024 with record formal employment levels for any December: almost 22,238,379 jobs; with the highest average wage level in history, with inflation under control; and with a real increase in the minimum wage of 135 percent and at the border of 221 percent, with respect to 2018.
The unemployment rate is among the lowest in the world.
Gasoline or diesel prices did not increase, in real terms.
Without raising taxes, with honesty, tax revenue at the end of 2024, reached 4.9 trillion pesos (1), 4.6 percent more in real terms, than in 2023.
Foreign direct investment reached almost US$39 billion.
We are the main trading partner of the United States.
The Banco de México’s international reserves reached a record US$229 billion and we are the 12th largest economy in the world.
Inequality decreased. According to the World Bank, during President López Obrador’s administration, 9.5 million people were lifted out of poverty and inequality decreased.
Upon entering the government, with humanism and efficiency we attended to the emergency situation provoked by Hurricane John. In Guerrero and Oaxaca, the hurricane affected more than 150,000 families, 3,168 kilometers of roads, bridges, water and drinking water service in Acapulco and other municipalities. In coordination with the state governments and municipalities, everything was attended to.
We presented and approved a budget based on fiscal and financial discipline.
Resources for the well-being and development of the country will continue to increase, thanks to Republican Austerity and the eradication of corruption wherever it still exists.
There will be no privileges in the payment of taxes and duties. No one or anything is above the Constitution. And we will not tolerate any corruption.
I would like to inform you that we, the high level public servants, will not receive salary increases during our entire six-year term in office.
In the last months of 2024, together with congressional deputies and senators, we recovered the democratic, republican, social and patriotic essence of the 1917 Constitution.
We defended the constitutional Judicial Branch reform and two of its secondary laws (2) were approved.
This coming June 1, 2025 will be enshrined in the history of Mexico because, for the first time, judges, magistrates and Supreme Court justices will be elected democratically, yes, democratically.
Let there be no doubt, the judicial branch will be autonomous. If the objective had been for the President to control the Supreme Court, we would have made a Zedillo-style reform, which, with the PRIAN alliance in 1995, eliminated the old Court and appointed a new one as he saw fit. No. That was authoritarianism; we are democrats and what we want is an end to corruption in the judicial branch.
Between September and December 2024, 12 additional constitutional reforms and 16 laws were approved, which establish, among other guarantees:
The recognition and full rights of Mexico’s indigenous and Afro-descendant peoples and communities.
The right of the Mexican State to use the railway network for passenger service.
The recovery of Pemex and the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) as companies belonging to the Mexican people, after their long period of privatization.
Social programs were converted into well-being rights.
The right to housing was recognized.
The minimum wage was approved, which every year must increase above the inflation rate.
The elimination of some autonomous government agencies and, so that there is no deceit here, their functions will continue and will be improved, without corruption.
The strengthening of the National Guard.
The increase of intelligence and investigation capabilities.
Protection of animals and preventing their mistreatment.
And a very important and unparalleled guarantee: women are now in the country’s Constitution with substantive equality, the right to a life free of violence, and equal pay for equal work.
As I said when I took office: I am not taking office alone, we are taking office…
PUBLIC: all women!
PRESIDENT OF MEXICO, CLAUDIA SHEINBAUM PARDO: We do not remain only on the level of the letter of the Constitution and the laws.
In 2025, for the first time in history, all indigenous and Afro-descendant communities will have a budget for social infrastructure, which will increase year by year and will be exercised directly, based on their decision in their assemblies.
With the Transformation, justice is being done, and this past December we approved two land restitution and recognition decrees for the Rarámuri people in the Sierra Tarahumara (3).
We will continue with artisan roads and with the Plans for Justice, and we launched the program to support women artisans and also to protect their original clothing designs and patterns. We will dedicate this year, 2025, to indigenous women to honor the origins of Mexico, and to recognize and give a voice to those who others wanted to silence for so many years.
Long live the indigenous women of Mexico!
PRESIDENT OF MEXICO, CLAUDIA SHEINBAUM PARDO: We fulfilled our commitment in guaranteeing all social programs and converting them into rights.
In 2025, this year:
13.2 million senior citizens will receive their pension,
2 million people with disabilities will receive their financial support,
400,000 young people will benefit from the Construyendo Futuro program,
410,000 young people studying in institutions of higher education will receive scholarships,
4.10 million boys and girls will receive financial assistance scholarships for their elementary school education,
Over 4.22 million high school students will receive financial assistance scholarships,
95,819 peasant farmers will have access to Guaranteed Prices,
193,000 fishermen will benefit from Bienpesca (4),
445,000 peasant farmers will continue in Sembrando Vida (5),
2 million small peasant farmers will receive free fertilizers and support from the Production for Wellbeing program,
174,000 schools will benefit from La Escuela es Nuestra and 12,381 Health-Care Centers will benefit from the La Clínica es Nuestra program.
From October to December, enrollment and assemblies were held for the three new Well-Being Programs.
All women between 60 and 64 years of age will receive financial assistance. We started with 63 and 64 year-old women who, as of this month, are now receiving their Banco de Bienestar bank card.
This year, one million women are new beneficiaries of this right.
I am asked: Why only women?
And we tell them: It shouldn’t be like that, but who mainly take care of our children?
PUBLIC: Women!
PUBLIC: The women!
PRESIDENT OF MEXICO, CLAUDIA SHEINBAUM PARDO: I repeat, it shouldn’t be like that. When has that work been recognized?
PUBLIC: Never!
PRESIDENT OF MEXICO, CLAUDIA SHEINBAUM PARDO: Well, since there is a Presidenta with the letter “A” at the end, for the first time, we are going to recognize the work of Mexican women.
The second program, the “Rita Cetina” Scholarship is named after a Yucatecan teacher who, with the La Siempreviva Literary Institute, promoted education for girls in the 19th century; she was Elvia Carrillo Puerto’s (6) teacher.
With this financial assistance scholarship all families with children in public high school will receive support. The assemblies for the delivery of the Banco de Bienestar bank cards begin in February. There will be 5.6 million teenagers who will benefit from this financial assistance scholarship. All children in public high school will receive a financial assistance scholarship.
Staff is now being hired to launch the House-to-House Health-Care program in February.
Starting in February, all elderly and disabled people will receive a monthly or bimonthly visit from a health-care worker to attend to them and prevent illnesses.
And starting in the middle of this year, together with the Banco de Bienestar, we will be installing Well-Being Pharmacies where people can go for their free medicines.
The 2025 investment in social rights for well-being is 835 billion pesos (7), that is, close to 2.5% of GDP, which will be distributed directly to almost 30 million families, reducing poverty, improving lives and, strengthening the country’s economy.
We said that we were going to provide continuity to and expand social programs, now converted into well-being rights. It is very simple: the money that used to be stolen or used to buy votes is now being delivered -and it had been delivered to a few- is now being distributed for the benefit of all the people of Mexico.
The people’s resources belong to the people of Mexico.
Tomorrow we will present the new model of higher secondary education, and this year we will build 20 new high schools and expand 65 schools in 59 municipalities in 30 states to provide 40,000 new places in higher secondary education enrollment.
We issued the decree for the creation of the “Rosario Castellanos” National University, which this year will have six new campuses with 25,000 new students, located in Chalco and Naucalpan, State of Mexico; Comitán, Chiapas; Tijuana, Baja California; Kanasín, Yucatán; Tlaxcala; and San Luis Potosí. We will be expanding the university to all of the country’s states in the next few years.
As we promised, we will increase new enrollment openings in high school by 200,000 and 330,000 for new university students to receive free education in the country. Education is a right, not a privilege or a commodity.
By the same token, after 40 years, we will be supporting the schools of the National Institute of Fine Arts and Literature, and the schools of the National Institute of Anthropology and History, and we will increase their teachers’ salaries.
We are already working on and will allocate sufficient resources to implement scientific projects for technological development, such as the Mexican electric car “Olinia”, the semiconductor design workshop, and in the next few days we will establish groups of scientists who will design unmanned aircraft, marine buoys for measurement, lithium extraction methods, artificial intelligence and free software factory, among other technological advances that we ourselves developed.
As I pledged: Mexico will be a scientific power.
We increased the minimum wage by 12 percent.
We passed the law that provides social security and health-care for deliverymen and women, benefiting more than 600,000 people.
We passed the “Chair Law”, which dignifies the employment of people who had to work on their feet all day.
And, in agreement with businesspersons at different levels, we reached an agreement to decrease the price of the basic food basket and thus reduce inflation. I’m pleased to inform you that the price of the basic food basket was reduced by 12 percent, from 1,039 to 910 pesos (8).
In the past it was affirmed that “if salaries increased, inflation would increase and there would be no investment.” Well, the opposite occurred. With their doctrine they led millions of Mexicans into poverty.
With the Fourth Transformation: wages increase, the standard of living improves, inflation does not increase and investments do not fall. And in our government, we are committed to increasing the minimum wage to be the equivalent of from 1.8 to 2.5 basic baskets, that is, the minimum wage will continue to increase.
With regard to the right to health-care, I would like to inform you that we have launched a bidding plan for pharmaceuticals and medical supplies to guarantee their free supply for this and next year. Through digital platforms and based on transparency, to date, we have already saved 23 billion pesos (9).
To this end, from the Ministry of Health, working groups of specialists and doctors were created to establish national medical care protocols to unify criteria and the application of medicines according to diseases or illnesses.
We are dedicated to strengthening and improving the care provided by the three health institutions: IMSS, ISSSTE, and IMSS-Bienestar. To this end, we will continue to acquire medical equipment, hire specialists, and expand the health care network.
We are providing continuity to President López Obrador’s work projects in these three months:
We inaugurated IMSS Hospital No. 2 in Ciudad Juárez.
Four Family Medicine Units: in Zacatecas, Monterrey, Mexico City, and La Paz.
Six new hemodynamic wards began operating in Durango, Colima, Veracruz, Oaxaca, Guerrero, and Baja California, and two ISSSTE wards in Mexico City.
Four hospitals working under the public-private partnership schema were nationalized: two IMSS and two ISSSTE.
For IMSS-Bienestar we inaugurated five units and by 2025, we will complete 18.
IMSS-Bienestar hospitals are operating in Oaxaca, Veracruz, Baja California, Guerrero, Estado de México, Hidalgo, Zacatecas, Morelos, Tamaulipas, Michoacán and Yucatán.
We also inaugurated ISSSTE units in Tabasco, Nayarit, and Merida.
And this year five ISSSTE hospitals will begin operating: in Hidalgo, Coahuila, Guerrero, Jalisco, and Tamaulipas.
During the current presidential administration, we will build at least one million new homes for people with salaries equal to or less than three times the minimum wage.
We will provide support for 450,000 housing subsidies and for delivering one million property deeds.
By 2025, we will build at least 125,000 new homes, ensure 100,000 home improvements, and provide 120,000 property deeds.
We already have the land and are developing the projects, which will begin in the next few months.
We presented a reform to the Infonavit Law. Let it be clear: workers’ savings belong to the workers. The goal is to truly guarantee the workers’ right to housing; as well as to make it possible to undertake audits; to make it possible to carry out an honest and transparent exercise in the granting of credits; and to eliminate all network structures that still remain in Infonavit. Access to housing is also a right of the Mexican people.
In Ciudad Juarez, where Mexico has a special historical debt with women, we have initiated the program of Child Education and Care Centers “CECIs”, so that working women, particularly those in the maquiladora industry, have the right to leave their children in a free, educational, and caring space.
The idea is for the IMSS and DIF to provide these services, without resorting to the outsourcing of the past, which only represented corruption of the initial educational service, which is also a right. For this reason, this year in Ciudad Juarez we will build the first CECIs in the country.
This month we will present a constitutional amendment bill to Congress to definitively prohibit the planting of transgenic corn in Mexico. The aim is to protect biodiversity and health. With the participation of 60,000 producers in 1,305 assemblies and workshops, we have already elaborated 155 territorial projects of the Cosechando Soberanía program to increase the production of corn, beans, rice, vegetables, coffee, cocoa, and honey.
We launched the Bean Self-Sufficiency Program with the recovery of the Seed Production Plant in Zacatecas, a national plant belonging to the people of Mexico. In the coming years, we will stop importing beans, which are so important for feeding our people.
We began the processes to build two milk plants in Michoacán and Campeche, as well as 14 milk collection centers in Chihuahua, which will allow Liconsa (10) to serve millions of additional families.
Segalmex and Diconsa (11) merged and were transformed into Alimentación para el Bienestar, which will have 25,000 stores throughout the country, 400 more than in 2024, offering low-cost products.
Directly, with the producers of Sembrando Vida, products will be produced and sold, and there will be added value. They will be sold in the Tiendas del Bienestar stores. In other words, there will be a “Bienestar” brand in the Well-Being Stores for chocolate, coffee, honey, and other products. Thus, producers and the low-income consumer will benefit from low prices and healthy food.
In 2024, we launched the complete circuit of the Mayan Train, a unique project in the world. For the skeptics and those who see the world with jaded glasses, I would like to inform you that its operation is a success. From October to December alone, nearly 400,000 passengers used it.
Four hotels of this project were completed and had an occupancy rate, right after their inauguration, of close to 60 percent.
This April, all the archaeological sites and museums of the Mayan Train project will be completed, which showcase the cultural grandeur of the Mayan nation to the world.
Mexicana Airlines will continue to be the airline of the Mexican people. It has transported more than 400,000 passengers and this year new airplanes will arrive to strengthen it.
In 2025, construction will begin on the facilities to make the Mayan Train also a freight train; the entire project will be completed in 2026.
The Interoceanic Train operates from Coatzacoalcos to Salina Cruz and from Coatzacoalcos to Palenque. It is under construction from Ixtepec to Ciudad Hidalgo, with 60 percent progress, and will be in operation as far as Tonalá in July of this year. Also this year, we will begin construction of the rail line from Roberto Ayala to Dos Bocas, in Tabasco. The resources are already allocated.
In April of this year, we will begin construction of new passenger train routes: from Mexico City to Pachuca, from Mexico City to Nuevo Laredo and from Mexico City to Nogales. We have already made progress on demand studies, environmental impact assessments, and basic engineering.
The “Felipe Angeles” Agrupamiento de Ingenieros Militares will build the Mexico-Pachuca and Mexico-Querétaro trains; and in mid-2025, we will open bidding on the routes from Querétaro to Irapuato and from Saltillo to Nuevo Laredo, passing through Monterrey.
The recovery of the passenger train -which can be proclaimed far and wide- cannot be reversed. It is the train of the people of Mexico.
We inaugurated the widening of the San Cristóbal-Tuxtla Gutiérrez and Bucerías to Puerto Vallarta highways and this month we will launch the Mitla-Tehuantepec highway.
This year we will complete the Rizo de Oro bridge in Chiapas, and the Real del Monte-Huasca bridge and Nichupté vehicular bridge in Cancún, and the San Ignacio-Tayoltita highway in Durango.
This year we will also begin construction of the following 11 highway extensions:
Bavispe-Nuevo Casas Grandes
Circuito Tierra y Libertad, in Morelos
Salina Cruz-Zihuatanejo
Ciudad Valles-Tampico
And Guaymas-Chihuahua.
Work on the others will begin in 2026.
We also launched the Bachetón program to repave and remove potholes on federal highways; this program will continue in 2025.
And as mixed investment projects, we will launch the following highways:
A Sonoyta-Puerto Peñasco, in Sonora.
In Veracruz:
Cardel-La Tinaja
La Pithaya San Luis Potosí-Querétaro
And Nueva Italia-Lázaro Cárdenas, in Michoacán.
Between 2025 and 2026, we will also launch, in agreement with the respective state governors, 20 bridges and distributor roads in Baja California Sur, Campeche, Colima, Estado de México, Morelos, Nayarit, Querétaro, Quintana Roo, Sinaloa, Veracruz, and Tlaxcala.
With the Ministry of the Navy, we have already announced the start of work to expand the port of Manzanillo and also the port of Progreso. We will also be improving the ports of Ensenada, Lázaro Cárdenas, Acapulco, Seybaplaya, and Veracruz.
The constitutional reform in energy policies will further strengthen Pemex and the CFE as companies belonging to the people of Mexico. We have already completed the expansion plan for both companies and the entire energy sector. Between 2025 and 2030, we will increase electricity generation by 27,000 megawatts with a large percentage of renewable energies and guaranteeing that at least 54 percent will be generated by the CFE.
In addition, we will bring order and transparency to private investment.
We will expand access to electricity to isolated communities, Work has already begun in the Sierra de Durango and the Tarahumara mountains.
Pemex will guarantee 1.8 million barrels of oil production as well as the efficient operation of its eight refineries, because in the administration of President López Obrador we acquired the complete Deer Park and Olmeca refinery, eight refineries; and we will develop new fertilizer and petrochemical production projects. In addition, Pemex will take charge of the circular economy project in the state of Hidalgo.
As we pledged, access to water is a priority in our government.
In these first 100 days we signed the National Agreement for the Human Right to Water and Sustainability with the governments of the 32 states, municipalities, irrigation districts, companies, indigenous peoples, and university authorities.
With the signing of this Agreement, the main companies with water concessions and 64 irrigation districts ceded more than 3 billion cubic meters to national waters. This has never before been the case; 3 billion cubic meters were de-privatized for national waters. To put this in context, this is equivalent to three times the amount of water that is consumed in Mexico City.
In addition, there is a commitment, and we appreciate it, from the companies to make investments of 21 billion pesos (12), for more efficient water use and recycling.
Seventy-six percent of the water in our country is consumed by agriculture. Therefore, one of the strategic projects is the technification of irrigation districts. Of the 13 priority districts, we have already signed seven agreements with producers in the states of Hidalgo, Aguascalientes, Sinaloa, and Morelos. In the next few days, all the agreements will be signed and this year we will start work on the projects.
With this National Technification Program, we will save up to 50 percent of the water consumed and benefit more than 200,000 producers.
Also, in the area of water and floods: 17 strategic projects are beginning in Baja California, Baja California Sur, Campeche, Coahuila, Colima, Durango, Guanajuato, Guerrero, Oaxaca, San Luis Potosí, Sonora, Tabasco, Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Zacatecas, and the Metropolitan Zone of the Valley of Mexico.
We are going to pool -we are reaching an agreement on this- municipal, state and federal resources in the area of water, so that together we can meet all the needs of this important right.
The work projects we will implement will benefit 31 million people throughout the country.
We have committed to undertake the cleanup of the following rivers: the Atoyac, Lerma-Santiago and Tula rivers, for which we will allocate a historic investment of 1.1 billion pesos (13) during 2025.
In terms of security, as you know, as we have explained, our strategy consists of four axes:
Attending to the underlying causes, to prevent young people from seeing criminal groups as a life choice, when in reality it is an option for death. In addition to all the Well-Being Programs we have announced, we launched a Peace Strategy in priority municipalities with high rates of violence, with direct house-to-house attention.
The second axis is the strengthening of the National Guard.
The third, intelligence and Investigation.
And the fourth, coordination on all levels of government.
With this strategy, and with the trend that already was in place since President López Obrador’s administration, I would like to inform you that, between September and December 2024: intentional homicides decreased by 16 percent, intentional injuries with firearms by 20 percent, and all robberies with violence by 5 percent.
Some would like us to fail. They will be disappointed. The public security strategy will work because there is humanism, dedication, and honesty in its application.
Tomorrow we will present the first stage of what we call “Plan Mexico”.
This is a comprehensive policy of equitable and sustainable economic development, which includes public and private investment for industrialization, tourism, and services, based on the development of all regions of our country, based on their natural resources, promoting global company nearshoring.
This is a long-term vision to substitute imports, generate productive chains, but above all, to continue promoting well-paid employment and the well-being of Mexicans.
Friends, I said I would be brief and I will be brief:
Mexico is an extraordinary country because of its generous and friendly people, heir to the original civilizations, and a rich national history, with heroes and heroines that cannot be found anywhere else in the world.
The people of Mexico are honest, hardworking and courageous. Mexican women and men always know how to get ahead. We resist, but we never give up. There is the example of our sisters and brothers in the United States who this year sent close to US$65 billion to their families.
They contribute to Mexico’s economy, but -let it be said and let it be proclaimed loudly- they contribute more to the U.S. economy, because what they send to Mexico is only 20 percent of what they leave there in consumption spending, savings, and taxes.
Mexican labor works like no others in the United States. They are extraordinary workers in the fields, in construction, in services; they are great scientists in the universities. They are the homeland’s heroes and heroines.
Our migrant brothers and sisters do not forget their families and their homeland, and for that reason, we never forget them either; on the contrary, we recognize and defend them.
Finally, I would like to refer to an important issue at this time, which is the relationship between Mexico and the United States.
As we know, we have had painful moments in our history, but I would like to highlight the good moments, the good examples of respect for our sovereignty and of collaboration and support, such as when Benito Juarez received invaluable assistance from Abraham Lincoln in his fight against the French invaders; and President Franklin Delano Roosevelt respect for General Lazaro Cardenas.
I also would like to highlight the good relationship of respect and collaboration during President Donald Trump’s first term with President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, in particular, the signing of the Trade Agreement between Mexico, the United States and Canada, which has benefited our peoples so much, all three; particularly through import substitution and job creation in the three nations.
Since the signing of that treaty, it was felt that this was the only option to successfully face the competition posed by the economic and commercial progress of Asian countries.
Our proposal has been not only toward North America, but also to seek the economic and commercial integration of the entire Western Hemisphere, making it the most powerful region in the world, bar none, with prosperity and with respect for the freedom, independence, and sovereignty of all its peoples and nations.
Therefore, I am convinced that the relationship between Mexico and the United States will be good and respectful, and that dialogue will prevail. Our vision is Mexican Humanism, fraternal relations among peoples and nations.
Of course, we will always keep our heads held high. Mexico is a free, independent, and sovereign country. And as I have said…
PUBLIC: Mexico! Mexico! Mexico! Mexico! President! President! President! President!
PRESIDENT OF MEXICO, CLAUDIA SHEINBAUM PARDO: As I have said: We coordinate, we collaborate, but we never accept subordination.
PUBLIC: Mexico! Mexico! Mexico! Mexico!
PUBLIC: Mexico! Mexico! Mexico! Mexico!
We are sending our solidarity all the way to Los Angeles, California; and we thank the brigade of forest fire fighters and Plan DN-III-E for their bravery and generosity.
My friends.
The moral authority and honesty that characterize us cannot be bought on the street corner; they are built with a single mystique, that of fighting for a Mexico with justice, democracy, and freedom.
It has become clear at this point in history that it is not corruption, trickery, hatred, classism, racism, and machismo -which are memories of the caste society of the Spanish colonial period and neoliberalism- that produce freedom and democracy; on the contrary, they contaminate and pervert everything.
Peace and prosperity are built by expanding the rights of the people and providing access to justice. That is the Fourth Transformation and that is why today we have a Mexico that is alive, sovereign, independent, free, democratic, increasingly fair, with a happy, enthusiastic, and empowered people.
Serving the people and the country is the greatest privilege we can have.
Rest assured that I am dedicated body and soul to the good of our people and nation. That is what our very lives depend on.
Long live our migrant brothers and sisters in the United States!
PRESIDENT OF MEXICO, CLAUDIA SHEINBAUM PARDO: Long live the Fourth Transformation!
Translator’s notes:
- 4.9 trillion pesos = US$240 billion
- Secondary laws further define the main legislation. They are voted on following the approval of the main law.
- Sierra Tarahumara – a mountain range in the State of Chihuahua
- Bienpesca – a Mexican government social program that provides support to small fisherman and fish farmers
- Sembrando Vida – a Mexican government social program that provides support to peasant formers
- Elvira Carrillo Puerto – an early political, feminist, and suffragist leader who won women’s right to vote
- 835 billion pesos = US$40.27 billion
- 1,039 to 910 pesos = US$49.97 to US$43.77
- 23 billion pesos =US$1,11 billion
- Liconsa – parastatal company that industrializes and distributes milk to low-income families and children
- Segalmex and Diconsa – Mexican government agencies that work together to provide food to people in need. The organizations are part of the Well-Being programs.
- 21 billion pesos = US$1.01 billion
- 1.1 billion pesos = US$52.90 million